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Re: [mv] Interchange + PostgreSQL results in error 505's (premature end of script headers)

******    message to minivend-users from Kaare Rasmussen <kar@webline.dk>     ******

> As IC share most of the core code with MV it should not that hard to
> get IC running with PostgreSQL (I have a site where MV works together
> with Postgres). You may describe your problems again here.

Well, OK.

I'm just trying to see what it is, using the Barry example.

Nothing I do in the web pages ends up in the database; ordering doesn't produce
any order lines, adding a user doesn't give a new userdb row etc.

I have been busy with other stuff so I don't have the exact error log and
problem description now.

If someone will try to look into this, I'd be happy to give it another shot.
But there has been a person telling that it's his responsibility, though I
never received any feedback.

I know that I cannot _claim_ any support, it's just a little frustrating that
it doesn't run "out of the box" with a demo application. And that people claim
to be looking at it and there's no feedback.

Kaare Rasmussen            --Linux, spil,--        Tlf:        3816 2582
Kaki Data                tshirts, merchandize      Fax:        3816 2582
Howitzvej 75               Åben 14.00-18.00        Email: kar@webline.dk
2000 Frederiksberg        Lørdag 11.00-17.00       Web:      www.suse.dk
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