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Re: [ic] credit_card_info not encrypted in my report e-mail

I am rather baffled by this behavior.  I can come up with one possible
scenario to explain this behavior.  There are two conditions which must be
met.  There are two places from email is generated in the order process.
Ultimately they both call the same email sending program, but they
generate the sinding informatin (email address, return address, etc)
differently.  It is possible that the first one may fail and the second
one may succeed. 

If the first one fails, IC will first try to send an email detailing the
error if 'Route main errors_to' is defined.  If this email fails, it will
do so silently.  If errors_to is not defined, the error will be logged in
the error log.

The first condition then, is that the first attempt to send the report
email must fail.

The second condition is the 'Route main supplant' must be either 0 or not

If these are both occuring on your system, then you will experience the
behavior you are seeing.  If this is the case, then you will want to set
'Route main supplant 1'.  This will mean that you don't get any email,
even though what you should be getting will show up un order/<order
number> and tracking.asc.  The next step would be to determine why the
first attempt at sending the email is failing.

This setup will certainly cause the bahavior that you are reporting, but I
am sceptical that it actually _is_ your problem.  It's the best I can come
up with at the moment.  Could you post your complete catalog.cfg if this
does  not solve the problem?

Sonny Cook 

"I don't want fifteen dollars."  --Franklin D. Rooselvelt

On Wed, 8 Nov 2000, Hans-Joachim Leidinger wrote:

> Oooops!
> Hans-Joachim Leidinger wrote:
> [DEL]
> > Regarding your answer above, the odd thing is that both the email and
> > the saved file is _not_ the same. The saved files has the
> > credit_card_info encrypted and the emails _not_. I'm unsure about your
> > answer above. I use FreeBSD and Postilion (TkRat) as an emailreader and
> > it don't show any encrypted files or text automatically. So I believe.
> I want to say, that my email reader is not able to show the encrypted
> text or file as a normal text, because it is not set to any pgp programs
> and can't handle any encrypted text.
> > If I set encrypt in my catalog.cfg, my whole email is encrypted. After
> > using "pggv", I see the email in normal plain text _and_ the
> > credit_card_info too.
> I want to say, that with "Route main attach 0", the whole files of
> ../orders/<anyordernumber> is encrypted. After using gpgv, it show me
> the report text _with_ credit_card_info encrypted. That _is_ what I want
> to get the email "Order<anynumber>" with credit_card_info encrypted.
> Thank you a lot for your time!
> Joachim
> -- 
> -------------Hans-Joachim Leidinger---------------------
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