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[mv] BASE64 Encoding an attachment

******    message to minivend-users from capslock <capslock@anonymous.to>     ******

Hello minivend-users,

I am so close now ;)

I have been able to send an image as an attachment to the order
(report).  But it doesn't come across right.  It seems to be sending
the binary image file (jpg) as text...

I am assuming that the attachment needs to be BASE64 encoded.

Here is my code:

[tag op=mime
     description="image[value mv_order_number].jpg"]
[include file="pages/upload/[value mv_session_id]"]

I have even tried adding the line:
encoding=base64 to this as a poor guess.. but it doesn't work.

Is there a [perl] tag that could be used to encode it? Maybe using
encode_base64() ??

Thanks for the help!

Best regards,
James (cAPSLOCK)

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