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Re: [ic] [include] and [L]

On Nov 11,  8:18pm, Hans-Joachim Leidinger wrote:
} Subject: Re: [ic] [include] and [L]
} Kaare Rasmussen wrote:
} >
} > Seems that [L] doesn't work if it's located in a file that's included. How
} > come?
} >
} > According to the dox, [include] " Does NOT do locale translations". Why?
} >
} > There must be a way to use [L] in an include file, but how?
} [DEL]
} I dont't know the right answer, why [L] does not work. But [loc] anytext
} [/loc] works.
} Jaochim

Make sure your locale.{txt,db,gdbm,sql} file has an entry for "readfile".
	readfile	1	1	1

with as many 1's as you have language columns in your table.


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