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[ic] Re: Interchange on Max OS X

Hello David,

Thanks for your reply. It would be a good idea if we could share our
experiences with Interchange on Mac OS X.

Till know I only installed the sample catalogue "construct" though I wasn't
able to create a MySQL database with the makecat script. I think it is due
to the fact that the script tries to use mysqladmin to create the database
and this doesn't work for me even when I am doing it by hand through the
terminal.app, I have to open a mysql connection with the mysql -u root -p
instruction and then create the database.

So, I am using Interchange's own database for my sample catalogue, though I
would very much like to know how to create a MySQL database by hand to use
with Interchange, probably it could be done like importing tables and data
by issuing the command: mysql -u root -p databasename < databasename.sql

I haven't read the whole documentation and probably there is a way to create
a MySQL database and the switch from Interchange's database to MySQL.
Nevertheless if you know a simple way to do this I would very much like to

Best regards,

Leonel Joao Silva
Information Systems Manager

The Concessionaire of Madeira's International Business Centre

SDM Building
Rua da Mouraria 9, 1st floor
9000-047 Funchal 

Tel: 351.291.201333
Fax: 351.291.201399


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