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Re: [ic] Wow. Well, it's amazing...

More likely than not, your ISP is running a program called 
'procmon'.  'procmon' monitors the processes running on your computer, and 
kills any program that takes up too much memory or too many CPU 
cycles.  You can, however, exempt programs from being killed (we had to do 
this on one of our servers).

Request that your ISP exempt Interchange by adding the following line in 
the procConfig.conf:

$excludedPrograms = "interchange";

More likely than not, your ISP is already exempting programs.  For example, 
if your ISP offers Frontpage extensions, the line would look like:

$excludedPrograms = "vti_bin|interchange";


Good luck!


At 12:53 AM 12/19/00 -0800, you wrote:
>After carefully reviewing just about every
>non-arm-an'-a-leg shopping solution out there, this is
>However, i've got a kicker of a problem.  Running on
>my isp's colo, the damn server won't stay up but about
>2 minutes...
>Nothing in the error logs for the catalog or the main
>Nothing in the extended loggin' (which I turned on) in
>Here is the perl config:
>LWP::Simple found (v1.32).
>MD5 found (v2.01).
>MIME::Base64 found (v2.11).
>SQL::Statement found (v0.1016).
>Safe::Hole found (v0.07).
>Storable found (v1.006).
>Tie::Watch not found. Minor: cannot set watch points
>in catalog.cfg.
>URI::URL found (v5.02).
>Is Tie the problem?  I'm miffed!  I'm only a beginner
>perl hacker.
>Any suggestions would be totally helpful (especially
>if you have had the same experience), as I'm stoked to
>get started, but documentation is thin.
>Jon Dillon
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Zachary Johnson
Internet Manager
Standard Printing & Web Center
85 Riberia St
Saint Augustine, FL 32084
Phone: (904) 829-6488
Fax: (904) 829-2959

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