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[ic] mv_search_map and results.html/buy button not compatible?

Hi all,

Still working on the buy button problem- when you get results on the
results.html page from a search using mv_search_map, when you click on the
buy button, it loads the part in the cart, but does not return to the
results page.  If you use the same search w/o mv_search_map, you get the
same results, but the buy button works.
I tried the following on the construct catalog, out of the box, no
modifications.  If you simply do a search for "hammer", you get 5 results,
click on any buy and it is loaded into the cart and returns to the results
page.  Then I went to LEFTRIGHT_TOP, and added mv_search_map to the existing
search as follows:

<FORM ACTION="[area search]">
<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="mv_search_map" VALUE="       	<!--added this-->
		mv_searchspec=searchtext				<!--added this-->
		mv_searchspec=searchcat">				<!--added this-->
<INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=mv_coordinate VALUE=1>
<INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=mv_searchtype VALUE=db>
<INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=mv_matchlimit VALUE=10>
<INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=mv_sort_field VALUE=category>
<INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=mv_search_field VALUE=inactive>
<INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=mv_search_field VALUE=":*">
<INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=mv_column_op VALUE=ne>
<INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=mv_column_op VALUE=rm>
<INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=searchtext VALUE=1>			<!--changed this from
<INPUT MAXLENGTH=30 NAME=searchcat type=text size=10>	<!--changed this from

		  <td width="119" valign="top"><INPUT TYPE=image alt="Search Go"
border="0" src="navigation/go.gif" width="23" height="17"></a></td>

Then I ran the same search for "hammer",  returned the same 5 results, but
when you click on the buy button, the product is loaded into the cart but
returns an error,
Sorry , no matches for (?:^|\)ARRAY\(0x8df9f44\), and does not return to the
results page.

Is this a bug, or have I done something wrong here?

Greg Hanson

2445 NE Division
Waterside Bldg, Suite 303
Bend, OR 97701

Toll Free		1-877-631-2888
Phone		1-541-388-0100
Fax		1-541-388-0200
URL  http://www.valuemedia.com

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