
ActionMap — modify existing or define custom Interchange actions


action_name perl_subroutine


The directive allows creation of new (and modification of existing) Interchange ActionMaps using Perl subroutines.

If the action does not return a true value, Interchange processing will stop right there, allowing you to fully handle the request from your action.

See ActionMap glossary entry for more explanation and the list of built-in Interchange actionmaps.


Global directive,
Catalog directive


Example: Replacing the Order action with a no-op

Put the following in catalog.cfg:

ActionMap order sub { 1 }

Since we effectively turned Order into a no-operation action, the usual order link such as <A HREF="[area order/nextpage]">Order</a> would be equivalent to [page nextpage]Order (does nothing)</a>.

Example: Splitting a request into action map, page name and arguments

Here's an example of an actionmap "test" that translates HTTP requests in form of test/page/arguments into actual page requests to page.html with optional arguments.

ActionMap test <<EOA
sub {
  my $url = shift;

  # Remove actionmap name from the URL 
  $url =~ s:^test/+::i;

  # Arguments are optional
  if ($url =~ s:/+(.*)$::) {
    $CGI->{mv_arg} = $1;

  $CGI->{mv_nextpage} = $url;
  return 1;


For an introduction to Action Maps, see ActionMap glossary entry.

The standard process ActionMap has a number of configuration settings which can be controlled through FormAction.

In the past, global ActionMaps had the action name stripped from the HTTP path. Beginning with Interchange 5.5, catalog and global ActionMaps are consistent in behavior and do not strip action name from the path.


ActionMap is available in Interchange versions:

4.6.0-5.9.0 (git-head)


Interchange 5.9.0:

Source: lib/Vend/
Line 467

['ActionMap',     'action',       ''],

Source: lib/Vend/
Line 540

['ActionMap',     'action',       ''],

Source: lib/Vend/
Line 2161 (context shows lines 2161-2258)

sub parse_action {
my ($var, $value, $mapped) = @_;
if (! $value) {
  return $InitializeEmpty{$var} ? '' : {};

return if $Vend::ExternalProgram;

my $c;
if($mapped) {
  $c = $mapped;
elsif(defined $C) {
  $c = $C->{$var} ||= {};
else {
  no strict 'refs';
  $c = ${"Global::$var"} ||= {};

if (defined $C and ! $c->{_mvsafe}) {
  my $calc = Vend::Interpolate::reset_calc();
  $c->{_mvsafe} = $calc;
my ($name, $sub) = split /\s+/, $value, 2;

$name =~ s/-/_/g;

## Determine if we are in a catalog config, and if 
## perl should be global and/or strict
my $nostrict;
my $perlglobal = 1;

if($C) {
  $nostrict = $Global::PerlNoStrict->{$C->{CatalogName}};
  $perlglobal = $Global::AllowGlobal->{$C->{CatalogName}};

# Untaint and strip this pup
$sub =~ s/^\s*((?s:.)*\S)\s*//;
$sub = $1;

if($sub !~ /\s/) {
  no strict 'refs';
  if($sub =~ /::/ and ! $C) {
    $c->{$name} = \&{"$sub"};
  else {
    if($C and $C->{Sub}) {
      $c->{$name} = $C->{Sub}{$sub};

    if(! $c->{$name} and $Global::GlobalSub) {
      $c->{$name} = $Global::GlobalSub->{$sub};
  if(! $c->{$name} and $AllowScalarAction{$var}) {
    $c->{$name} = $sub;
  elsif(! $c->{$name}) {
    $@ = errmsg("Mapped %s action routine '%s' is non-existent.", $var, $sub);
elsif ( ! $mapped and $sub !~ /^sub\b/) {
  if($AllowScalarAction{$var}) {
    $c->{$name} = $sub;
  else {
    my $code = <<EOF;
sub {
      return Vend::Interpolate::interpolate_html(<<EndOfThisHaiRYTHING);
    $c->{$name} = eval $code;
elsif ($perlglobal) {
  package Vend::Interpolate;
  if($nostrict) {
    no strict;
    $c->{$name} = eval $sub;
  else {
    $c->{$name} = eval $sub;
else {
  package Vend::Interpolate;
  $c->{$name} = $c->{_mvsafe}->reval($sub);
if($@) {
  config_warn("Action '%s' did not compile correctly (%s).", $name, $@);
return $c;



Interchange Development Group


AddDirective(7ic), UserTag(7ic), CodeDef(7ic)

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