
MV_PAYMENT_MODE — payment gateway mode name


{ mode }


Payment gateway mode name for one of the available payment modules.


Catalog variable


No examples are available at this time. We do consider this a problem and will try to supply some.



MV_PAYMENT_MODE is available in Interchange versions:

4.6.0-5.9.0 (git-head)


Interchange 5.9.0:

Source: code/UI_Tag/update_order_status.tag
Line 110 (context shows lines 100-114)

elsif($oid =~ /\*$/) {
  Vend::Tags->error( {
          name => 'settle_transaction',
          set => "Order ID $oid already settled!",
  return undef;
else {
#::logDebug("auth-code: $trec->{auth_code} oid=$oid");
  my $settled  = Vend::Tags->charge( {
            route => $::Variable->{MV_PAYMENT_MODE},
            order_id => $oid,
            amount => $amount,
            auth_code => $trec->{auth_code},
            transaction => 'settle_prior',

Source: code/UI_Tag/update_order_status.tag
Line 162 (context shows lines 152-166)

elsif($oid =~ /-$/) {
  Vend::Tags->error( {
          name => 'void_transaction',
          set => "Order ID $oid already voided!",
  return undef;
else {
#::logDebug("auth-code: $trec->{auth_code} oid=$oid");
  my $voided  = Vend::Tags->charge( {
            route => $::Variable->{MV_PAYMENT_MODE},
            order_id => $oid,
            amount => $amount,
            auth_code => $trec->{auth_code},
            transaction => 'void',

Source: lib/Vend/Payment/
Line 128 (context shows lines 118-132)

  N = test, 'no' response
  R = test, random 'yes|no' response;
  FY = test, FraudShield 'yes' response
  FN = test, FraudShield 'no' response

Alter etc/log_transaction to wrap the following code around the "[charge route...]" call 
found in ln 172 (or nearby):
[if scratchd mstatus eq success]
[tmp name="charge_succeed"][scratch order_id][/tmp]
[tmp name="charge_succeed"][charge route="[var MV_PAYMENT_MODE]" amount="[scratch \
 tmp_remaining]" order_id="[value mv_transaction_id]"][/tmp]
and change [var MV_PAYMENT_MODE] above to [value mv_payment_route] if you \
 want to use Paypal or similar in conjunction with this

Source: lib/Vend/Payment/
Line 134 (context shows lines 124-138)

found in ln 172 (or nearby):
[if scratchd mstatus eq success]
[tmp name="charge_succeed"][scratch order_id][/tmp]
[tmp name="charge_succeed"][charge route="[var MV_PAYMENT_MODE]" amount="[scratch \
 tmp_remaining]" order_id="[value mv_transaction_id]"][/tmp]
and change [var MV_PAYMENT_MODE] above to [value mv_payment_route] if you \
 want to use Paypal or similar in conjunction with this

Also add this line just after '&final = yes' near the end of the credit_card \
 section of etc/profiles.order:
&set=mv_payment_route hsbc if you change [var MV_PAYMENT_MODE] as above

If run from some sort of terminal this will also make refunds or send funds to a specified
credit card.

Source: lib/Vend/Payment/
Line 233 (context shows lines 223-237 in avs_check():155)


In F<etc/log_transction>, immediately after the 
[elsif variable MV_PAYMENT_MODE]
line, look for the [charge] tag, and alter it to include the C<action>
parameter, like so:

[charge route="[var MV_PAYMENT_MODE]" action="[if value mv_order_profile \
 eq paypal]do[/if]" amount="...

Add into the end of the C<[import table=transactions type=LINE continue=NOTES \
 no-commit=1]> section of F<etc/log_transaction>:

pptransactionid: [calc]$Session->{payment_result}{TRANSACTIONID}[/calc]

Source: lib/Vend/Payment/
Line 263 (context shows lines 253-267 in avs_check():155)

&fatal = yes
&setcheck = end_profile 1

&set = mv_payment Incomplete

[if variable MV_PAYMENT_MODE]
[value name=mv_payment_realtime set=""]
&set=mv_payment PayPal ([var MV_PAYMENT_MODE])
&set=mv_payment_realtime 1
&set=mv_payment PayPal

Source: lib/Vend/Payment/
Line 129 (context shows lines 119-133)

8. When running a card through 3DSecure, the route is run twice: firstly \
 to Sagepay who check whether or
not the card is part of 3DSecure - if it is they send the customer to the bank's authentication page
and upon returning from that the route must be run a second time to send \
 the authentication results to
Sagepay. The second run is initiated from the 'ord/tdsreturn' page, not \
 from etc/log_transaction as it normally
would be. To handle this change to the normal system flow you need to alter \
 log_transaction to make the 
call to the payment module conditional,ie, wrap the following code around \
 the "[charge route...]" call 
found in ln 172 (or nearby):
[if scratchd mstatus eq success]
[tmp name="charge_succeed"][scratch order_id][/tmp]
[tmp name="charge_succeed"][charge route="[var MV_PAYMENT_MODE]" amount="[scratch \
 tmp_remaining]" order_id="[value mv_transaction_id]"][/tmp]
If the first call to Sagepay returns a request to send the customer to \
 the 3DSecure server, then IC will 
write a payment route error to the error log prior to sending the customer \
 there. This error stops the

Source: lib/Vend/Payment/
Line 161 (context shows lines 151-165)

[elsif variable MV_PAYMENT_MODE]
[elsif value mv_order_profile =~ /worldpay/] add an OR if required
eg [elsif value mv_order_profile =~ /googlecheckout|worldpay/]

Then in the [calc] block immediately below insert this line: 

undef $Session->{payment_result}{MStatus};

Within the same section change the following two instances of
[var MV_PAYMENT_MODE] to [value mv_payment_route]

10. Create a callback page in /pages called wpcallback.html or any name you prefer, set this page in
the Worldpay admin panel, the module also supports dynamic callback pages \
 where different catalogs can
have different callback pages, if using this the callpage URL must be set \
 in the route in catalog.cfg as

Source: lib/Vend/Payment/
Line 88 (context shows lines 78-92)


Route PRI id YourPRIID

or with only PRI as a payment provider

Variable MV_PAYMENT_ID      YourPRIID

A fully valid catalog.cfg entry to work with the standard demo would be:

Route  PRI      id          "__PRI_ID__"
Route  PRI      regkey      "__PRI_REGKEY__"
Route  PRI      test_id     "__PRI_TEST_ID__"
Route  PRI      test_regkey "__PRI_TEST_REGKEY__"

Source: lib/Vend/Payment/
Line 125 (context shows lines 115-129)

In etc/log_transction, immediately after the 
[elsif variable MV_PAYMENT_MODE]
insert this line: 
undef $Session->{payment_result}{MStatus};

and leave
[elsif variable MV_PAYMENT_MODE] 
as set (contrary to previous revisions of this document) but within the \
 same section change the following 
two instances of [var MV_PAYMENT_MODE] to [value mv_payment_route]. In \
 particular, the setting inside the
[charge route="..] line will specify which payment processor is used for \
 each particular case, and you
need to further modify this line so that it ends up like this:
[tmp name="charge_succeed"][charge route="[value mv_payment_route]" pprequest="dorequest" \
 amount="[scratch tmp_remaining]" order_id="[value mv_transaction_id]"][/tmp]
If the value of 'mv_payment_route' is set to 'paypalexpress', then this \
 is the one that is run. It is only

Source: lib/Vend/Payment/
Line 84 (context shows lines 74-88)

The displayed message will start with the main3DSerror and append others as appropriate. 
Route cardsave mail_txn_to (email address, defaults to ORDERS_TO)
Route cardsave mail_txn_approved (1 to email approved orders)
Route cardsave mail_txn_declined (1 to email possibly fraudulent attempts)

Alter etc/log_transaction to wrap the following code around the "[charge route...]" call 
found in ln 172 (or nearby):
[if scratchd mstatus eq success]
[tmp name="charge_succeed"][scratch order_id][/tmp]
[tmp name="charge_succeed"][charge route="[var MV_PAYMENT_MODE]" amount="[scratch \
 tmp_remaining]" order_id="[value mv_transaction_id]"][/tmp]
and change [var MV_PAYMENT_MODE] above to [value mv_payment_route] if you \
 want to use Paypal or similar in conjunction with this


Interchange Development Group


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