1.4. Special Locale Keys for Price Representation

Interchange honors the standard POSIX keys:

   mon_decimal_point    or      decimal_point
   mon_thousands_sep    or      thousands_sep
   currency_symbol      or      int_currency_symbol
   frac_digits  or      p_cs_precedes

See the POSIX setlocale(3) man page for more information. These keys will be used for formatting prices and approximates the number format used in most countries. To set a custom price format, use these special keys:


            Locale en_US price_picture "$ ###,###,###.##"
             Locale en_US mon_thousands_sep ,
             Locale en_US mon_decimal_point .
             Locale en_US p_cs_precedes     1
             Locale en_US currency_symbol   $
            Locale fr_FR price_picture "##.###,## fr"

IMPORTANT NOTE: The decimal point in use, set by mon_decimal_point, and the thousands separator, set by mon_thousands_sep must match the settings in the price_picture. The frac_digits setting is not used in this case. It is derived from the location of the decimal (if any).

             Locale fr_FR mon_thousands_sep .
             Locale fr_FR mon_decimal_point ,
             Locale fr_FR p_cs_precedes     0
             Locale fr_FR currency_symbol   fr
