2.1. Starting, Stopping, and Re-starting the Servers

The following commands need to have VENDROOT changed to the main directory where Interchange is installed. If the Interchange base directory is /home/interchange/, the start command would be /home/interchange/bin/interchange.

Do a perldoc VENDROOT/bin/interchange for full documentation.

To start the server with default settings:


Assuming the server starts correctly, the names of catalogs as they are configured will be displayed, along with a message stating the process ID it is running under.

It is usually best to issue a restart instead. It doesn't hurt to do a restart if you're actually starting the first time. And, if a server is already running (from this VENDROOT), a new start attempt will fail. To restart the server:

   VENDROOT/bin/interchange -restart

The -r option is the same as -restart.

This is typically done to force Interchange to re-read its configuration. A message will be displayed stating that a TERM signal has been sent to the process ID the servers are running under. This information is also sent to VENDROOT/error.log. Check the error.log file for confirmation that the server has restarted properly.

To stop the server:

   VENDROOT/bin/interchange -stop

A message will be displayed stating that a TERM signal has been sent to the process ID the server is running under. This information is also sent to VENDROOT/error.log.

Because processes waiting for selection on some operating systems block signals, they may have to wait for HouseKeeping seconds to stop. The default is 60.

To terminate the Interchange server with prejudice, in the event it will not stop:

   VENDROOT/bin/interchange -kill