5. User-defined Tags

To define a tag that is catalog-specific, place UserTag directives in your catalog.cfg file. For server-wide tags, define them in interchange.cfg. Catalog-specific tags take precedence if both are defined -- in fact, you can override the base Interchange tag set with them. The directive takes the form:

   UserTag  tagname  property  value

where tagname is the name of the tag, property is the attribute (described below), and value is the value of the property for that tagname.

The user tags can either be based on Perl subroutines or just be aliases for existing tags. Some quick examples are below.

An alias:

    UserTag product_name Alias     data products title

This will change [product_name 99-102] into [data products title 99-102], which will output the title database field for product code 99-102. Don't use this with [item-data ...] and [item-field ...], as they are parsed separately. You can do [product-name [item-code]], though.

A simple subroutine:

    UserTag company_name Routine   sub { "Your company name" }

When you place a [company-name] tag in an Interchange page, the text Your company name will be substituted.

A subroutine with a passed text as an argument:

    UserTag caps   Routine   sub { return "\U@_" }
    UserTag caps   HasEndTag

The tag [caps]This text should be all upper case[/caps] will become THIS TEXT SHOULD BE ALL UPPER CASE.

Here is a useful one you might wish to use:

    UserTag quick_table HasEndTag
    UserTag quick_table Interpolate
    UserTag quick_table Order   border
    UserTag quick_table Routine <<EOF
    sub {
        my ($border,$input) = @_;
        $border = " BORDER=$border" if $border;
        my $out = "<TABLE ALIGN=LEFT$border>";
        my @rows = split /\n+/, $input;
        my ($left, $right);
        for(@rows) {
            $out .= '<TR><TD ALIGN=RIGHT VALIGN=TOP>';
            ($left, $right) = split /\s*:\s*/, $_, 2;
            $out .= '<B>' unless $left =~ /</;
            $out .= $left;
            $out .= '</B>' unless $left =~ /</;
            $out .= '</TD><TD VALIGN=TOP>';
            $out .= $right;
            $out .= '</TD></TR>';
            $out .= "\n";
        $out .= '</TABLE>';

Called with:

    [quick-table border=2]
    Name: [value name]
    City: [value city][if value state], [value state][/if] [value country]

As is the case with [perl] tag, user tags run under the Perl Safe.pm module with warnings disabled. Unlike [perl] tags, however, user tags use Perl's 'strict' pragma.

The properties for UserTag are:









