4.14. control

Returns named scratchpad field or copies named scratch variable to scratchpad. Returns value specified by 'default' attribute if scratchpad variable is undefined or empty. Calling without a name moves to next scratchpad. Calling without a name and 'reset=1' returns to first scratchpad page.

4.14.1. Summary

    [control name default other_named_attributes]
Parameters Description Default
default Value to return if scratchpad variable missing or empty DEFAULT_VALUE
name Name of scratchpad variable to set or return DEFAULT_VALUE
reset Resets scratchpad (i.e. $::Control array) by setting special scratch variable 'control_index' to 0. Control_index is an index into the $::Control == $Vend::Session->{control} array of hashrefs.
  • (must not specify name; may specify default)
set Copies named scratch variable (i.e., from $::Scratch) to scratchpad with current control index. DEFAULT_VALUE
Attributes Default
interpolate (reparse) No
Invalidates cache no
Container tag No
Has Subtags No
Nests Yes

Tag expansion example:

    [control name default]

ASP-like Perl call:

   $Tag->control(  { default => VALUE_default
                      name => VALUE_name
}, $body  );

or similarly with positional parameters,

    $Tag->control(name,default, $attribute_hash_reference, $body);

4.14.2. Description

Returns named scratchpad field or copies named scratch variable to scratchpad. Returns value specified by 'default' attribute if scratchpad variable is undefined or empty. Calling without a name moves to next scratchpad. Calling without a name and 'reset=1' returns to first scratchpad page. default

Value to return if scratchpad variable missing or empty name

Name of scratchpad variable to set or return reset

Resets scratchpad (i.e. $::Control array) by setting special scratch variable 'control_index' to 0. Control_index is an index into the $::Control == $Vend::Session->{control} array of hashrefs. set

Copies named scratch variable (i.e., from $::Scratch) to scratchpad with current control index.