4.63. scratchd

Deletes the named scratch variable and returns its value before the deletion. For example,

    [scratchd varname_to_delete]

deletes the scratch variable varname_to_delete.

See also the scratch and set tags.

4.63.1. Summary

    [scratchd P_PARAM]
    [scratchd N_PARAM other_named_attributes]
Parameters Description Default
name Name of scratch variable to delete None
Attributes Default
interpolate (reparse) No
Invalidates cache Yes
Container tag No

Tag expansion example:

    [set myvar]This is myvar[/set]
    [scratchd myvar]
    This is myvar

ASP-like Perl call:

    $Tag->scratchd($name, $attribute_hash_reference);

4.63.2. Description

Deletes the named scratch variable and returns its value before the deletion.