6.10. Item Lists

Within any page, the [item-list cart*] element shows a list of all the items ordered by the customer so far. It works by repeating the source between [item-list] and [/item-list] once for each item ordered.

Note: The special tags that reference item within the list are not normal Interchange tags, do not take named attributes and cannot be contained in an HTML tag (other than to substitute for one of its values or provide a conditional container). They are interpreted only inside their corresponding list container. Normal Interchange tags can be interspersed, though they will be interpreted after all of the list-specific tags.

Between the item_list markers the following elements will return information for the current item:

[if-item-data table column]

Note: This tag does not nest with other [if-item-data ...] tags.

[if-item-data table column]


[if-item-field fieldname]

Note: This tag does not nest with other [if-item-field ...] tags.

[if-item-field fieldname]


[item-accessories attribute*, type*, field*, database*, name*]

[item-alternate N] DIVISIBLE [else] NOT DIVISIBLE [/else][/item-alternate]

            [item-alternate 2]EVEN[else]ODD[/else][/item-alternate]
            [item-alternate 3]BY 3[else]NOT by 3[/else][/item-alternate]



[item-data database fieldname]


[item-field fieldname]



                return -1 if '[item-field weight]' eq '';
                return 1 if '[item-field weight]' < 1;
                return 0;

[item-modifier attribute]


              [item-next][calc][item-field weight] < 1[/calc][/item-next]

[item-price n* noformat*]

[item-discount-price n* noformat*]




[item-modifier-name attribute]
