[docs] xmldocs - docelic modified refs/image

docs at icdevgroup.org docs at icdevgroup.org
Tue Oct 5 07:11:36 EDT 2004

User:      docelic
Date:      2004-10-05 11:11:36 GMT
Added:     refs     image
- new item

Revision  Changes    Path
1.1                  xmldocs/refs/image

rev 1.1, prev_rev 1.0
Index: image
__NAME__ purpose
general purpose tag for generating HTML <img> tags

__NAME__ synopsis2
	Image source. Can be a plain product SKU, or just the image basename (so 
	Interchange would probe for existing file formats), or a literal 
	(relative or absolute) URL.
	If Interchange is let to search for file extensions, it will check for
	<literal>.png</literal> and
	<literal>.jpeg</literal> in the same order as specified here.
	The <database class='field'>description</database> value from the
	<database>products</database> database if SKU is specified instead of
	a literal image filename. Otherwise, none.
	Text to use in the &lt;img&gt;'s <arg choice='plain'>alt</arg> attribute.
	By default, this will be filled with the
	<database class='field'>description</database> from the product database
	if a SKU (not a filename) is provided.
	[scratch mv_imagedefault], if set.
	Image filename (relative or absolute URL)
	that will be used if no image for the SKU was found.
	<varname>DESCRIPTIONFIELDS</varname> catalog variable
	Whitespace-separated list of fields in the <database>products</database>
	database to pull the description from. This is used for the default
	<arg choice='plain'>alt</arg> and
	<arg choice='plain'>title</arg> atributes.
	Setting this attribute causes the tag to only return the value of 
	<option>ImageDir</option> or <option>ImageDirSecure</option> config
	directives. This is primarily used in javascript code to discover the
	appropriate path to prepend to image files.
	Setting this attribute causes the tag to only return true if the image
	Only return the would-be image location, without the surrounding link
	or any metadata (alts, titles, etc.).
	Skip any checks on image file (existence, extension, etc.).
	Use the Image::Size module to determine image dimensions and specify them
	in the &lt;img&gt; tag.
	<entry>[scratch mv_imagesubdir], if set.
	Look for the image files in only one subdirectory of the
	<option>ImageDir</option> or <option>ImageDirSecure</option> config
	If ImageMagick is installed, you can display an arbitrary size of
	the image, creating it if necessary. This would create a subdirectory
	corresponding to the size, (i.e. 64x48) and copy the source image to it.
	It would then use the <command>mogrify</command> command to resize.
	This requires a writable image directory, of course.
	If not found in the PATH, 
	the location of the <command>mogrify</command> can be defined with the
	<varname>IMAGE_MOGRIFY</varname> variable.
	This would also temporarily set umask to 2 during the creation of files
	and directories.
	The value is specified as
	Value of <literal>0</literal> forces <literal>http://</literal> link to
	the file.
	Value of <literal>1</literal> forces <literal>https://</literal>.
	If unspecified, defaults to current page delivery method.
	Specify this parameter explicitly if you want to first try an image
	from the <database class='field'>image</database> field in the
	<database>products</database> database. If it does not exist, then a 
	fallback to SKU-derived image filenames is performed.
	Use the Image::Size module to determine image dimensions and specify them
	in the &lt;img&gt; tag.
	Value of the <arg choice='plain'>alt=</arg> attribute.
	Text to use for the &lt;img&gt;'s <arg choice='plain'>title</arg>
	parameter. This is supported by newer browsers to provide things like
	rollover tips.
	Set to a true value to use Admin UI image prefixes. In other words, 
	this uses the values of <varname>UI_IMAGE_DIR</varname> and
	<varname>UI_IMAGE_DIR_SECURE</varname> variables instead of the
	<option>ImageDir</option> and <option>ImageDirSecure</option> config
	directives. This option does honor locale settings.
		<group choice='plain'>
		<arg choice='plain'>width</arg>
		<arg choice='plain'>height</arg>
		<arg choice='plain'>alt</arg>
		<arg choice='plain'>title</arg>
		<arg choice='plain'>border</arg>
		<arg choice='plain'>hspace</arg>
		<arg choice='plain'>vspace</arg>
	Standard &lt;img&gt; HTML tag attributes to pass on.
	Literal, arbitrary text to add to the generated &lt;img&gt; tag.

sku (for description), 
to force image, https?:// or force=1

__NAME__ description
<tag>image</tag> is a general-purpose tag for generating HTML &lt;img&gt;
tags based on various settings.
It can test whether an image exists,
predetermine dimensions, retrieve image names from the
product database (the <database class='field'>image</database> field),
automatically pull product
descriptions from the database (for <arg choice='plain'>alt</arg> and
<arg choice='plain'>title</arg> attributes).

__NAME__ example
	<title>Simple image</title>
	Let's suppose there'a product SKU os29000 present in your 
	<database>products</database> database and the
	<database class='field'>image</database> field contains value
	<literal>os29000.png</literal>. Place the <tag>image</tag> on a test
[image os29000]
	The tag would produce something like:
<img src="/standard/images/os29000.png"
      alt="3' Step Ladder"
      title="3' Step Ladder">

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