[docs] xmldocs - docelic modified 6 files

docs at icdevgroup.org docs at icdevgroup.org
Thu Sep 30 06:49:05 EDT 2004

User:      docelic
Date:      2004-09-30 10:49:05 GMT
Modified:  .        Makefile
Modified:  bin      refs-autogen
Modified:  docbook  olinkdb-c.xml olinkdb-nc.xml
Modified:  guides   iccattut.xml xmldocs.xml
- Makefile:
 - added more targets
 - fixed smalle mistakes

- bin/refs-autogen:
 - turned on line numbering. You don't see it because xsltproc doesn't support
   it yet, but one day the numbers will just appear

- docbook/olinkdb-?c.xml
 - added new olink document links

- guides/*.xml:
 - fixed typo in pathname

Revision  Changes    Path
1.21      +74 -69    xmldocs/Makefile

rev 1.21, prev_rev 1.20
Index: Makefile
RCS file: /var/cvs/xmldocs/Makefile,v
retrieving revision 1.20
retrieving revision 1.21
diff -u -r1.20 -r1.21
--- Makefile	26 Sep 2004 20:01:52 -0000	1.20
+++ Makefile	30 Sep 2004 10:49:05 -0000	1.21
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
 # ICDEVGROUP Documentation Makefile
 # http://www.icdevgroup.org
 # http://www.icdevgroup.org/cgi-bin/cvsweb/xmldocs
@@ -21,21 +21,45 @@
 PSR         = xsltproc
 PSR_FLAGS   = --xinclude --nonet
-#VPATH       = guides refs howtos glossary
+VPATH       = guides refs howtos glossary
-.PHONY: all skel
-.PHONY: refs
-.PHONY: cache clean-cache up-all up-%
-.PHONY: clean distclean
+.PHONY: all complete skel clean distclean
+.PHONY: guides refs howtos
+.PHONY: refxmls
+.PHONY: cache caches clean-cache up-all up-%
 # Complete build
-all: skel refs howtos/howtos.xml glossary/glossary.xml
+all: skel refxmls howtos/howtos.xml glossary/glossary.xml
+complete: skel srcs caches all
+# Group targets
+#guides: $(foreach doc,$(subst .xml,,$(shell find guides -name '*.xml'| awk -F/ '{ print $$2 }')),$O/$(doc).html $O/$(doc))
+#howtos: $(foreach doc,$(subst .xml,,$(shell find howtos -name '*.xml'| awk -F/ '{ print $$2 }')),$O/$(doc).html $O/$(doc))
+#refs: $(foreach doc,$(subst .xml,,$(shell find refs -name '*.xml'| awk -F/ '{ print $$2 }')),$O/$(doc).html $O/$(doc))
+# Standard targets
+$O/%.html: %.xml skel
+	echo "C     $@"
+	$(PSR) $(PSR_FLAGS)                                                \
+	  --stringparam current.docid $*                                   \
+	  --stringparam target.database.document ../docbook/olinkdb-nc.xml \
+	  -o $@ docbook/html-nochunks.xsl $<
+$O/%: %.xml skel
+	echo "C     $@/"
+	$(PSR) $(PSR_FLAGS)                                                \
+	  --stringparam current.docid $*                                   \
+	  --stringparam target.database.document ../docbook/olinkdb-c.xml  \
+	  -o $@/ docbook/html-chunks.xsl $<
 # Skel
-skel: $T $O $O/files $O/images
+skel: $T $O $O/files $O/images $O/xmldocs.css
 	echo "U     $T/"
 	mkdir -p $T
@@ -46,25 +70,25 @@
 	echo "U     $@/"
 	rm -rf $@/
 	cp -a files $O/
-	rm -rf `find $@ -name CVS`
+	#rm -rf `find $@ -name CVS`
 	cp bin/dbgen $O/files/
 	cd files; for p in *; do                                  \
-		if test "$$p" != "CVS"; then                            \
-			if test -d "$$p"; then                                \
-				cp -a $$p ../$O/files/;                             \
-				tar --exclude=CVS -cf ../$O/files/$$p.tar $$p;      \
-				tar --exclude=CVS -zcf ../$O/files/$$p.tar.gz $$p;  \
-				tar --exclude=CVS -jcf ../$O/files/$$p.tar.bz2 $$p  \
-			; fi                                                  \
-		; fi                                                    \
+	  if test "$$p" != "CVS"; then                            \
+	    if test -d "$$p"; then                                \
+	      cp -a $$p ../$O/files/;                             \
+	      tar --exclude=CVS -cf ../$O/files/$$p.tar $$p;      \
+	      tar --exclude=CVS -zcf ../$O/files/$$p.tar.gz $$p;  \
+	      tar --exclude=CVS -jcf ../$O/files/$$p.tar.bz2 $$p  \
+	    ; fi                                                  \
+	  ; fi                                                    \
 	; done
 $O/images: $(shell find images)
 	echo "U     $@/"
 	rm -rf $@/
 	cp -a images $O/
-	rm -rf `find $@ -name CVS`
+	#rm -rf `find $@ -name CVS`
 $O/xmldocs.css: docbook/xmldocs.css $O
-	echo "U     $@/"
+	echo "U     $@"
 	cp $< $@
@@ -72,6 +96,8 @@
 # Cleaning
 	-rm -rf $O
+	-rm cache/*/.cache.bin
 distclean: clean
 	-rm -rf $T
 	-rm -rf {refs,glossary}/*.xml
@@ -84,27 +110,27 @@
 	mkdir -p $@
 sources/%: sources $T
 	bin/coup $(subst sources/,,$@)
-up-all cvs-sources srcs: $(foreach icver,$(IC_VERSIONS),sources/$(icver)/) $T
+up-all cvs-sources srcs cvsrcs cvs cvss: sources $T
 	for p in $(IC_VERSIONS); do      \
-		bin/coup -u $$p                \
+	  bin/coup -u $$p                \
 	; done
-up-% cvs-%: sources/%
+up-% cvs-%: sources/% $T
 	bin/coup -u $(subst sources/,,$<)
 # Cache files
-cache caches: 
+cache caches: $(foreach icver,$(IC_VERSIONS),cache/$(icver)/.cache.bin) $T
 cache/%/.cache.bin: sources/%
 	echo "U     $@"
 	bin/stattree $<
-	-rm -rf cache/*/.cache.bin
 # Reference .xmls
-refs: BOTH = --both
-refs: bin/refs-autogen $(foreach stype,$(SYMBOL_TYPES),refs/$(stype).xml)
+# Silly, rewrite this, I forgot about $*
+refxmls: BOTH = --both
+refxmls: bin/refs-autogen $(foreach stype,$(SYMBOL_TYPES),refs/$(stype).xml)
 $T/%.list: BNAME = $(subst $T/,,$@)
 refs/%.xml: BNAME = $(subst refs/,,$@)
@@ -122,37 +148,6 @@
 	bin/generic-autogen howtos
-# Not needed right now
-# ctags -R -x --languages=perl --perl-kinds=cls sources/$$p/ \
-# > cache/$$p/.objectlist.perl.txt; \
-# ctags -R -x --languages=c --c-kinds=cdf sources/$$p/ \
-# > cache/$$p/.objectlist.c.txt; \
-# ctags -f cache/$$p/.tags -R --extra=fq --fields=afikKlmnsSz --line-directives sources/$$p \
-#mkreport: $(LTMPDIR)/mkreport $(LTMPDIR)
-#./bin/mkreport $(IC_VERSIONS)
-#  touch $(LTMPDIR)/mkreport
-#guides: $(OUTPUT)/images $(OUTPUT)/files \
-#  $(patsubst guides/%.xml,OUTPUT/%.html,$(wildcard guides/*.xml))  \
-#  $(patsubst guides/%.xml,OUTPUT/%,$(wildcard guides/*.xml))
-#refs: $(OUTPUT)/images $(OUTPUT)/files
-#	make $(OUTPUT)/pragmas.html $(OUTPUT)/pragmas $(OUTPUT)/pragmas.man
-#	make $(OUTPUT)/globvars.html $(OUTPUT)/globvars $(OUTPUT)/globvars.man
-#	make $(OUTPUT)/usertags.html $(OUTPUT)/usertags $(OUTPUT)/usertags.man
-#	make $(OUTPUT)/systemtags.html $(OUTPUT)/systemtags $(OUTPUT)/systemtags.man
-#	make $(OUTPUT)/uitags.html $(OUTPUT)/uitags $(OUTPUT)/uitags.man
-## Unchunked documents
-#$(OUTPUT)/%.html: %.xml $(OUTPUT)/xmldocs.css
-#	$(XSLT) $(XSLT_FLAGS)                                          \
-#	--stringparam current.docid $*                                 \
-#	--stringparam target.database.document ../docbook/olinkdb-nc.xml  \
-#	-o $@ docbook/html-nochunks.xsl $<
 ## Man pages
 #$(OUTPUT)/%.man: %.xml
 #	mkdir -p $(OUTPUT)/man
@@ -160,16 +155,6 @@
 #	-x docbook/reference.xsl                                       \
 #	-o $(OUTPUT)/man/                                              \
 #	man $<
-## Chunked documents
-#$(OUTPUT)/%: %.xml $(OUTPUT)/xmldocs.css
-#	$(XSLT) $(XSLT_FLAGS)                                          \
-#	--stringparam current.docid $*                                 \
-#	--stringparam target.database.document ../docbook/olinkdb-c.xml  \
-#	-o $@/ docbook/html-chunks.xsl $<
-#	touch $@
 ## OlinkDBs
@@ -203,3 +188,23 @@
 #	docbook/html-chunks.xsl $<
 #	tail +2 $@ > $(LTMPDIR)/tail
 #	mv $(LTMPDIR)/tail $@
+#	TODO:
+#	- make cache
+#	- make sources <-- sources as phony, sources-dir creates source/
+#	- s/U/C/ when files are overriden unconditionally
+#	- why make $O/iccattut.html goes some things twice
+#	- make guides/refs/howtos doesn't see proper deps
+# Not needed right now
+# ctags -R -x --languages=perl --perl-kinds=cls sources/$$p/ \
+# > cache/$$p/.objectlist.perl.txt; \
+# ctags -R -x --languages=c --c-kinds=cdf sources/$$p/ \
+# > cache/$$p/.objectlist.c.txt; \
+# ctags -f cache/$$p/.tags -R --extra=fq --fields=afikKlmnsSz --line-directives sources/$$p \
+#mkreport: $(LTMPDIR)/mkreport $(LTMPDIR)
+#./bin/mkreport $(IC_VERSIONS)
+#  touch $(LTMPDIR)/mkreport

1.36      +1 -1      xmldocs/bin/refs-autogen

rev 1.36, prev_rev 1.35
Index: refs-autogen
RCS file: /var/cvs/xmldocs/bin/refs-autogen,v
retrieving revision 1.35
retrieving revision 1.36
diff -u -r1.35 -r1.36
--- refs-autogen	26 Sep 2004 19:44:59 -0000	1.35
+++ refs-autogen	30 Sep 2004 10:49:05 -0000	1.36
@@ -237,7 +237,7 @@
 <title>$loc (rev. $r from $d)<sbr/>$ctxmeta</title>
+<screen linenumbering='numbered' startinglinenumber='$ls'><![CDATA[

1.2       +35 -0     xmldocs/docbook/olinkdb-c.xml

rev 1.2, prev_rev 1.1
Index: olinkdb-c.xml
RCS file: /var/cvs/xmldocs/docbook/olinkdb-c.xml,v
retrieving revision 1.1
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -r1.1 -r1.2
--- olinkdb-c.xml	6 Aug 2004 14:00:55 -0000	1.1
+++ olinkdb-c.xml	30 Sep 2004 10:49:05 -0000	1.2
@@ -2,8 +2,13 @@
 <!DOCTYPE targetset 
 	SYSTEM "/usr/share/xml/docbook/stylesheet/nwalsh/common/targetdatabase.dtd" [
 	<!ENTITY iccattut SYSTEM "../tmp/iccattut-c.db"> 
+	<!ENTITY xmldocs SYSTEM "../tmp/xmldocs-c.db"> 
+	<!ENTITY howtos SYSTEM "../tmp/howtos-c.db"> 
 	<!ENTITY pragmas SYSTEM "../tmp/pragmas-c.db"> 
 	<!ENTITY globvars SYSTEM "../tmp/globvars-c.db"> 
+	<!ENTITY uitags SYSTEM "../tmp/uitags-c.db"> 
+	<!ENTITY usertags SYSTEM "../tmp/usertags-c.db"> 
+	<!ENTITY systemtags SYSTEM "../tmp/systemtags-c.db"> 
@@ -20,6 +25,18 @@
+			<dir name='xmldocs'>
+				<document targetdoc="xmldocs">
+				&xmldocs;
+				</document>
+			</dir>
+			<dir name='howtos'>
+				<document targetdoc="howtos">
+				&howtos;
+				</document>
+			</dir>
 			<dir name='pragmas'>
 				<document targetdoc="pragmas">
@@ -29,6 +46,24 @@
 			<dir name='globvars'>
 				<document targetdoc="globvars">
+				</document>
+			</dir>
+			<dir name='uitags'>
+				<document targetdoc="uitags">
+				&uitags;
+				</document>
+			</dir>
+			<dir name='usertags'>
+				<document targetdoc="usertags">
+				&usertags;
+				</document>
+			</dir>
+			<dir name='systemtags'>
+				<document targetdoc="systemtags">
+				&systemtags;

1.2       +10 -0     xmldocs/docbook/olinkdb-nc.xml

rev 1.2, prev_rev 1.1
Index: olinkdb-nc.xml
RCS file: /var/cvs/xmldocs/docbook/olinkdb-nc.xml,v
retrieving revision 1.1
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -r1.1 -r1.2
--- olinkdb-nc.xml	6 Aug 2004 14:00:55 -0000	1.1
+++ olinkdb-nc.xml	30 Sep 2004 10:49:05 -0000	1.2
@@ -2,8 +2,13 @@
 <!DOCTYPE targetset 
 	SYSTEM "/usr/share/xml/docbook/stylesheet/nwalsh/common/targetdatabase.dtd" [
 	<!ENTITY iccattut SYSTEM "../tmp/iccattut-nc.db"> 
+	<!ENTITY xmldocs SYSTEM "../tmp/xmldocs-nc.db"> 
+	<!ENTITY howtos SYSTEM "../tmp/howtos-nc.db"> 
 	<!ENTITY pragmas SYSTEM "../tmp/pragmas-nc.db"> 
 	<!ENTITY globvars SYSTEM "../tmp/globvars-nc.db"> 
+	<!ENTITY usertags SYSTEM "../tmp/usertags-nc.db"> 
+	<!ENTITY uitags SYSTEM "../tmp/uitags-nc.db"> 
+	<!ENTITY systemtags SYSTEM "../tmp/systemtags-nc.db"> 
@@ -14,8 +19,13 @@
 		<dir name="OUTPUT"> 
 			<document targetdoc="iccattut" baseuri="iccattut.html"> &iccattut; </document>
+			<document targetdoc="xmldocs" baseuri="xmldocs.html"> &xmldocs; </document>
+			<document targetdoc="howtos" baseuri="howtos.html"> &howtos; </document>
 			<document targetdoc="pragmas" baseuri="pragmas.html"> &pragmas; </document>
 			<document targetdoc="globvars" baseuri="globvars.html"> &globvars; </document>
+			<document targetdoc="usertags" baseuri="usertags.html"> &usertags; </document>
+			<document targetdoc="uitags" baseuri="uitags.html"> &uitags; </document>
+			<document targetdoc="systemtags" baseuri="systemtags.html"> &systemtags; </document>

1.23      +1 -1      xmldocs/guides/iccattut.xml

rev 1.23, prev_rev 1.22
Index: iccattut.xml
RCS file: /var/cvs/xmldocs/guides/iccattut.xml,v
retrieving revision 1.22
retrieving revision 1.23
diff -u -r1.22 -r1.23
--- iccattut.xml	23 Sep 2004 09:34:32 -0000	1.22
+++ iccattut.xml	30 Sep 2004 10:49:05 -0000	1.23
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 <!-- catalog not working ? -->
 <!DOCTYPE article PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook-Interchange XML V4.2//EN"
-	"docbook/docbookix.dtd">
+	"../docbook/docbookxi.dtd">
 <article id='iccattut'>

1.4       +1 -1      xmldocs/guides/xmldocs.xml

rev 1.4, prev_rev 1.3
Index: xmldocs.xml
RCS file: /var/cvs/xmldocs/guides/xmldocs.xml,v
retrieving revision 1.3
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -u -r1.3 -r1.4
--- xmldocs.xml	23 Sep 2004 11:12:16 -0000	1.3
+++ xmldocs.xml	30 Sep 2004 10:49:05 -0000	1.4
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 <?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
 <!DOCTYPE article PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook-Interchange XML V4.2//EN"
-	"docbook/docbookix.dtd">
+	"../docbook/docbookxi.dtd">
 <article id='xmldocs'>

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