[docs] xmldocs - docelic modified 5 files

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Sat Feb 19 12:14:04 EST 2005

User:      docelic
Date:      2005-02-19 17:14:04 GMT
Added:     refs     AutoVariable Catalog DeleteDirective EncryptProgram
Added:              FullUrl
More config directives documented

Revision  Changes    Path
1.1                  xmldocs/refs/AutoVariable

rev 1.1, prev_rev 1.0
Index: AutoVariable
__NAME__ purpose
list config directives that are to be made available through the Variable space

__NAME__ see also

__NAME__ synopsis
<group choice='req'>
	<arg choice='plain' rep='repeat'><replaceable>directive</replaceable></arg>

__NAME__ description
Specify list of &glos-configuration; directives that are to be automatically
created as variable/value pairs. This allows you to conveniently
write say, <code>__<replaceable>DIRECTIVENAME</replaceable>__</code> and 
retrieve the corresponding configuration directive's value.
The above example, however, only works for scalar values. Since &IC; 
also supports &glos-array;s and &glos-hash;es of values (so, all three
basic &PERL; types), the syntax had to be extended a little. With 
array or hashes, you need to append the index number or hash key respectively.
See <xref linkend="AutoVariable_examples"/> for clarification.

__NAME__ notes
The directive does not support &glos-hash; keys that contain non-word
characters or whitespace. Also, only the first-level of array and hash
indices/keys is translated properly.

__NAME__ example: Enabling AutoVariable
Put the following in &ccf;:
# The following two are present to form a standalone example
SafeUntrap sort
SysLog command /usr/bin/logger

AutoVariable VendURL SecureURL MailOrderTo SafeUnutrap SysLog

__NAME__ example: Display a scalar value
Put the following on a page:
Orders are e-mailed to: __MailOrderTo__

__NAME__ example: Display an array value
Put the following on a page:
First SafeUntrap value is: __SafeUntrap_0__

__NAME__ example: Display a hash value
Put the following on a page:
Syslog command is: __SysLog_command__

1.1                  xmldocs/refs/Catalog

rev 1.1, prev_rev 1.0
Index: Catalog
__NAME__ purpose
register catalog with the Interchange server

__NAME__ see also

__NAME__ synopsis
	<arg choice='plain'><replaceable>name</replaceable></arg>
	<arg choice='plain'><replaceable>&glos-CATROOT;</replaceable></arg>
	<arg choice='plain' rep='repeat'><replaceable>&glos-link-program;</replaceable></arg>

__NAME__ description
The directive registers a catalog that will run on the corresponding &IC;
The directive expects three or more arguments.
First expected is the name of the catalog. It will be referred to by the specified
name in error, warning, and informational messages. It must contain only
alphanumeric characters, hyphens, and underscores. It is highly recommended that
it is also all lowercase.
Second argument specifies the local filesystem base directory of the catalog.
If the directory does not exist, the required &ccf; is not there, or &IC;
detects any other problem, catalog configuration will be skipped and the catalog
won't be activated.
Third argument is the so called <literal>SCRIPT_NAME</literal> of the 
&glos-link-program;. It is a webserver path by which the catalog can be 
accessed. It can be followed by different
<emphasis role='bold'>aliases</emphasis>, all allowing you to access
the same catalog. For example, this is useful when calling an SSL server or a
members-only alias that requires a Basic HTTP authorization using the 
username/password pair. All subsequently generated links would be called using
the aliased URL.
The script name must be unique among CGI program paths that run on the 
&IC; server, unless the &conf-FullUrl; directive is specified. In this case,
hostnames can be added to differentiate otherwise same paths; as usual, see 
<xref linkend="Catalog_examples"/> for clarification.
It is also possible to define catalog-specific &glos-configuration; directives
from the global &gcf; file. Again, see <xref linkend="Catalog_examples"/>.

__NAME__ notes
&conf-Catalog; is one of the basic &IC; &glos-configuration; directives.
<command>makecat</command>, the catalog creation helper script, automatically inserts
the &conf-Catalog; line in the &gcf; file as part of the standard procedure.
If the &ccf; file, expected in the catalog base directory, is not found, or is
unreadable by the &IC; server, somewhat misguiding error message will be reported.
Namely, instead of the appropriate permissions-problem message, the mandatory
&conf-MailOrderTo; directive will be reported undefined.

__NAME__ example: Registering a catalog
Catalog simple /home/catalogs/simple /cgi-bin/ic/simple

__NAME__ example: Using FullUrl to differentiate same-named catalogs on different hosts
FullUrl yes

Catalog simple1 /home/catalogs/simple1 www.company1.com/cgi-bin/ic/simple
Catalog simple2 /home/catalogs/simple2 www.company2.com/cgi-bin/ic/simple
Make sure to read the &conf-FullUrl; directive reference before just
including it in your &glos-configuration;.

__NAME__ example: Elaborate Catalog directive definition
Given the nature of the &conf-Catalog; directive, a catalog can be somewhat
verbosely registered as:
Catalog simple  directory /home/catalogs/simple
Catalog simple  script    /cgi-bin/ic/simple
Catalog simple  alias     /simple

__NAME__ example: Defining catalog-specific directives in the global config file
Re-using the elaborate example from just above, it is also possible to define
catalog-specific directives in the global &gcf; file.
This is most useful to do with the &glos-ErrorFile; and &glos-DisplayErrors; 
Catalog simple  directive ErrorFile /var/log/interchange/simple-error.log

TODO: Can catalog.cfg override cat-specific directives set in interchange.cfg ?
TODO: How if catalog names supported regexps, so you could do like:
      Catalog \S+  directive ErrorFile /var/log/interchange/$1-error.log

1.1                  xmldocs/refs/DeleteDirective

rev 1.1, prev_rev 1.0
Index: DeleteDirective
__NAME__ purpose
disable use of specified configuration directive in catalog.cfg

__NAME__ synopsis
<group choice='req'>
	<arg choice='plain' rep='repeat'><replaceable>directive</replaceable></arg>

__NAME__ description
This directive specifies the directives which are to be disabled during parse
of the &ccf; files.
This can be effectively used to both save some memory on servers with many
catalogs and prevent catalogs from setting some of the directives.

__NAME__ see also

__NAME__ example: Setting DeleteDirective
DeleteDirective DescriptionField OfflineDir

TODO: What happens when you delete, say, PriceField directive? Does IC
      still properly fallbacks to default 'price' ?

1.1                  xmldocs/refs/EncryptProgram

rev 1.1, prev_rev 1.0
Index: EncryptProgram
__NAME__ purpose
specify default encryption program

__NAME__ synopsis
<group choice='req'>
	<arg choice='plain'><replaceable>filename</replaceable></arg>

__NAME__ description
Specify default encryption program. It will be called to perform tasks such
as encrypting credit card numbers (<emphasis role='bold'>if</emphasis> they 
are stored on the server).
If &IC; can found a variant of <command>gpg</command>/<command>pgp</command>
on your system, it is the default. Setting of <literal>none</literal> disables

__NAME__ see also
DEBUG, DataTrace, DebugFile

__NAME__ example: Enabling DumpStructure
DumpStructure Yes

1.1                  xmldocs/refs/FullUrl

rev 1.1, prev_rev 1.0
Index: FullUrl
__NAME__ purpose
use full URLs (those including hostnames) in catalog definition lines

__NAME__ synopsis
<group choice='req'>
	<arg choice='plain'>No</arg>
	<arg choice='plain'>Yes</arg>

__NAME__ description
&IC; determines the appropriate catalog to invoke by the 
<literal>SCRIPT_NAME</literal> from the CGI call. This means that different
(possibly virtual) hosts cannot use the same <literal>SCRIPT_NAME</literal>, as
the catalogs would become indistinguishable. Set this directive to enable
differentiation performed on the hostname as well.
See the &conf-Catalog; directive for more on the subject and concrete

__NAME__ notes
If &conf-FullUrl; is defined, <emphasis role='bold'>all> catalogs must be
defined with hostnames included</emphasis>. Per-catalog setting will not work,
as this is used before the catalog name is known.

__NAME__ see also

__NAME__ example: Enabling FullUrl
FullUrl yes

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