[docs] xmldocs - docelic modified 4 files

docs at icdevgroup.org docs at icdevgroup.org
Tue May 24 16:24:04 EDT 2005

User:      docelic
Date:      2005-05-24 20:24:04 GMT
Modified:  .        Makefile README TODO
Modified:  glossary feature
- Makefile:
 - FINALLY cleared and clarified dependencies. System builds much nicer
   now, and olinks (which took a lot of time to generate) now properly detect
   when they're up-to-date.

 - Stay current with Makefile

- little fixes

Revision  Changes    Path
1.59      +21 -20    xmldocs/Makefile

rev 1.59, prev_rev 1.58
Index: Makefile
RCS file: /var/cvs/xmldocs/Makefile,v
retrieving revision 1.58
retrieving revision 1.59
diff -u -r1.58 -r1.59
--- Makefile	24 May 2005 12:59:12 -0000	1.58
+++ Makefile	24 May 2005 20:24:04 -0000	1.59
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
 .PHONY: all complete
 .PHONY: skel
 .PHONY: guides howtos symbols glossary
-.PHONY: olinkdbs-nc olinks-nc olinkdbs-c olinks-c
+#.PHONY: olinkdbs-nc olinks-nc olinkdbs-c olinks-c
 .PHONY: clean clean-cache clean-refs distclean look-clean
 .PHONY: up-all cvs-sources srcs cvsrcs cvs cvss all-up cvsup
 .PHONY: up-% cvs-% %-up %-cvs
@@ -47,20 +47,23 @@
 	olinks-nc olinks-c                                           \
 	guides symbols
-guides:   $(foreach doc,$(GUIDES),$O/$(doc).html  )            \
-          $(foreach doc,$(GUIDES),$O/$(doc))
+guides:   $(foreach doc,$(GUIDES),OUTPUT/$(doc).html  )            \
+          $(foreach doc,$(GUIDES),OUTPUT/$(doc))
-howtos:   $(foreach doc,$(HOWTOS),$O/$(doc).html  )            \
-          $(foreach doc,$(HOWTOS),$O/$(doc))
+howtos:   $(foreach doc,$(HOWTOS),OUTPUT/$(doc).html  )            \
+          $(foreach doc,$(HOWTOS),OUTPUT/$(doc))
-symbols:  $(foreach doc,$(SYMBOL_TYPES),$O/$(doc).html  )      \
-          $(foreach doc,$(SYMBOL_TYPES),$O/$(doc))
+symbols:  $(foreach doc,$(SYMBOL_TYPES),OUTPUT/$(doc).html  )      \
+          $(foreach doc,$(SYMBOL_TYPES),OUTPUT/$(doc))
-glossary: $(foreach doc,$(GLOSSARY),$O/$(doc).html  )
+glossary: $(foreach doc,$(GLOSSARY),OUTPUT/$(doc).html  )
 # Skel
-skel: $T $O $O/files $O/images $O/xmldocs.css
+skel: $T $O
+	make OUTPUT/files
+	make OUTPUT/images
+	make OUTPUT/xmldocs.css
 	if test -e $T.temporary; then                                \
 		echo "U     $T/"; mv $T.temporary $T;                      \
@@ -71,7 +74,7 @@
 	mkdir -p $O
 	echo "S     OUTPUT -> $O/"
 	ln -sf $O OUTPUT
-$O/files: $(shell find files) bin/dbgen
+OUTPUT/files: $(shell find files) bin/dbgen
 	echo "C     $@/"
 	rm -rf $@/
 	cp -a files $O/
@@ -87,12 +90,12 @@
 	    ; fi                                                     \
 	  ; fi                                                       \
 	; done
-$O/images: $(shell find images)
+OUTPUT/images: $(shell find images)
 	echo "C     $@/"
 	rm -rf $@/
 	cp -a images $O/
 	rm -rf `find $@ -name CVS`
-$O/xmldocs.css: docbook/xmldocs.css
+OUTPUT/xmldocs.css: docbook/xmldocs.css
 	echo "C     $@"
 	cp $< $@
@@ -100,7 +103,7 @@
 # OLINK DBs (interlinking between documents)
 olinkdbs-nc olinks-nc: $(foreach f,$(ALL_DOCS),$T/$f-nc.db)
-$T/%-nc.db: %.xml $T
+$T/%-nc.db: %.xml
 	$(PSR) $(PSR_FLAGS)                                               \
 	  $(PROFILE)                                                      \
 	  --stringparam collect.xref.targets only                         \
@@ -108,7 +111,7 @@
 	  docbook/html-nochunks.xsl $<
 	  perl -ni -e'print unless $$.==1 and /^<!DOCTYPE/' $@
 olinkdbs-c olinks-c: $(foreach f,$(ALL_DOCS),$T/$f-c.db)
-$T/%-c.db: %.xml $T
+$T/%-c.db: %.xml
 	$(PSR) $(PSR_FLAGS)                                               \
 	  $(PROFILE)                                                      \
 	  --stringparam collect.xref.targets only                         \
@@ -119,7 +122,7 @@
 # STANDARD TARGETS || two-pass processing method
-$O/%.html: %.xml docbook/autorefs.ent docbook/autoglossary.ent docbook/autohowtos.ent skel
+OUTPUT/%.html: %.xml docbook/autorefs.ent docbook/autoglossary.ent docbook/autohowtos.ent skel
 	echo "C     $@"
 	$(PSR) $(PSR_FLAGS)                                                \
 	  $(PROFILE)                                                       \
@@ -131,7 +134,7 @@
 	  --stringparam current.docid $*                                   \
 	  --stringparam target.database.document ../docbook/olinkdb-nc.xml \
 	  -o $@ docbook/html-nochunks.xsl $T/$*-nc.profiled
-$O/%: %.xml skel
+OUTPUT/%: %.xml skel
 	echo "C     $@/"
 	$(PSR) $(PSR_FLAGS)                                                \
 	  $(PROFILE)                                                       \
@@ -177,7 +180,7 @@
 # Cleaning
-	-rm -rf $O
+	-rm -rf $O OUTPUT
 	-rm -f cache/*/.cache.bin 2>/dev/null
@@ -219,7 +222,7 @@
 # Silly, rewrite this, I forgot about $*. Or $* wouldn't help? I'm not 
 # willing to think about it right now.
 refxmls: BOTH = --both
-refxmls: bin/refs-autogen $(foreach stype,$(SYMBOL_TYPES),refs/$(stype).xml)
+refxmls: bin/refs-autogen $(foreach stype,$(SYMBOL_TYPES),refs/$(stype).xml) howtos/howtos.xml glossary/glossary.xml
 $T/%.list: BNAME = $(subst $T/,,$@)
 refs/%.xml: BNAME = $(subst refs/,,$@)
@@ -237,10 +240,8 @@
 # One-shot targets
 glossary/glossary.xml docbook/autoglossary.ent: $(shell find glossary/ -regex '.+[^(\.xml)]$$') bin/generic-autogen
 	bin/generic-autogen glossary
-	make tmp/glossary-nc.db tmp/glossary-c.db
 howtos/howtos.xml docbook/autohowtos.ent: $(shell find howtos/ -regex '.+[^(\.xml)]$$') bin/generic-autogen
 	bin/generic-autogen howtos
-	make tmp/howtos-nc.db tmp/howtos-c.db
 docbook/autorefs.ent: refxmls

1.15      +13 -2     xmldocs/README

rev 1.15, prev_rev 1.14
RCS file: /var/cvs/xmldocs/README,v
retrieving revision 1.14
retrieving revision 1.15
diff -u -r1.14 -r1.15
--- README	20 May 2005 21:41:49 -0000	1.14
+++ README	24 May 2005 20:24:04 -0000	1.15
@@ -23,14 +23,25 @@
 ( cvs checkout first, then: ) 
 make cvs cache skel
 make refxmls
-make refxmls (yes, twice or trice)
 make olinkdbs-nc olinkdbs-c
 ( and then the usual targets: )
-make pragmas vars tags confs filters iccattut programming-style howtos glossary
+make glossary symbols guides howtos
 Also the problem is that the whole thing takes enormous time to build, even
 with xsltproc which is like by far the fastest docbook processor ;-)
 But well, on a >2GHz machine, it's bearable.
+It's possible now to change OUTPUT directory to something else, named
+OUTPUT<yourstring>. However, places where I couldn't have inserted variables
+have OUTPUT/ hardcoded, so OUTPUT is made a symbolic link to the current
+output dir. 
+Here's an example:
+  OUTPUT=-std make skel
+After that point, you can omit OUTPUT= from subsequent calls to "make"
+and things will still clap together nicely.
 **  -- -- --   -- -- -- --   -- -- -- --   -- -- -- --   -- -- -- --  **

1.67      +2 -0      xmldocs/TODO

rev 1.67, prev_rev 1.66
Index: TODO
RCS file: /var/cvs/xmldocs/TODO,v
retrieving revision 1.66
retrieving revision 1.67
diff -u -r1.66 -r1.67
--- TODO	21 Feb 2005 01:16:51 -0000	1.66
+++ TODO	24 May 2005 20:24:04 -0000	1.67
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
+files/pricing/ dir is missing?!
 On config directives, include parse_<> function in source context
 - See that if 'crypt' is put in see also, all symbols of that name appear
   in see also line and their type is distinguished visually.

1.4       +3 -3      xmldocs/glossary/feature

rev 1.4, prev_rev 1.3
Index: feature
RCS file: /var/cvs/xmldocs/glossary/feature,v
retrieving revision 1.3
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -u -r1.3 -r1.4
--- feature	24 May 2005 07:28:17 -0000	1.3
+++ feature	24 May 2005 20:24:04 -0000	1.4
@@ -67,19 +67,19 @@
 again (assuming &IC; has not been restarted since the
 feature installation).
-The uninstall routine is called with the &tag-uninstall-feature; tag.
+The uninstall routine is called with the &tag-uninstall_feature; tag.
 The catalog user must remove the &conf-Feature; directive from their
-&ccf; <emphasis>before</emphasis> running &tag-uninstall-feature;, otherwise
+&ccf; <emphasis>before</emphasis> running &tag-uninstall_feature;, otherwise
 the &conf-Feature; will be re-installed the next time &IC; is
 Also, there is a short window where a SQL table, if dropped
 as a part of the uninstall procedure, could be re-instantiated
 based on the existence of the configuration in memory. It
-is recommended that if &tag-uninstall-feature; is called, a
+is recommended that if &tag-uninstall_feature; is called, a
 &tag-reconfig; tag is called shortly thereafter to reduce this
 possiblility to a minimum.

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