[interchange-docs] xmldocs - docelic modified 2 files

docs at icdevgroup.org docs at icdevgroup.org
Tue Jul 15 00:58:44 UTC 2008

User:      docelic
Date:      2008-07-15 00:58:44 GMT
Modified:  guides   howtos.xml
Modified:  glossary ITL
* Added 1 howto item
* Rewording on ITL glossary page

Revision  Changes    Path
1.3                  xmldocs/guides/howtos.xml

rev 1.3, prev_rev 1.2
Index: howtos.xml
RCS file: /var/cvs/xmldocs/guides/howtos.xml,v
retrieving revision 1.2
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -u -r1.2 -r1.3
--- howtos.xml	11 Jul 2008 10:17:04 -0000	1.2
+++ howtos.xml	15 Jul 2008 00:58:44 -0000	1.3
@@ -316,6 +316,45 @@
+		Counting rows or number of items in a table
+		</para></question><answer><para>
+		If you are using an SQL database, you can retrieve the number
+		of rows in a database using an SQL query:
+Rows: [perl products]($Db{products}->query("select count(*) from products"))[0][0][0];[/perl]
+		If you do not have an SQL database or want a solution that works with
+		&IC; regardless of the underlying database used, here's a slower but
+		generic tag from the &glos-Minivend; days:
+# [db-count table]
+# This tag returns the number of records in a database table,
+# 'products' by default.
+UserTag  db-count  Order table
+UserTag  db-count  PosNumber 1
+UserTag  db-count  Routine <<EOF
+sub {
+  my ($db) = @_;
+  $db = 'products' unless $db;
+  my $ref = Vend::Data::database_exists_ref($db)
+    or return "Bad table $db";
+  $ref = $ref->ref();
+  my $count;
+  while ($ref->each_record()) { $count++ }
+  return $count;
+		Thanks &edl; for providing this tip in Jan 2001.
+		</para></answer></qandaentry>
+		<qandaentry><question><para>
 		Finding inconsistencies in Interchange table definition files
 Interchange can automatically create SQL tables with proper fields and 
@@ -522,6 +561,205 @@
+		Checking for syntactical validity of e-mail addresses
+		</para></question><answer><para>
+		Interchange has two e-mail checks, &ordercheck-email; and &ordercheck-email-only;, which 
+		use a relatively simple regex in checking the syntactical validity
+		of an e-mail address. For a way to run those profile checks on a value,
+		see &tag-run-profile;.
+		</para><para>
+		However, if you need as accurate and bullet-proof e-mail address matching
+		as possible, you can use code from Chapter 7 of the Jeffrey Friedl's 1997
+		book "Mastering Regular Expressions", published by O'Reilly:
+# Some things for avoiding backslashitis later on.
+$esc        = '\\\\';               $Period      = '\.';
+$space      = '\040';               $tab         = '\t';
+$OpenBR     = '\[';                 $CloseBR     = '\]';
+$OpenParen  = '\(';                 $CloseParen  = '\)';
+$NonASCII   = '\x80-\xff';          $ctrl        = '\000-\037';
+$CRlist     = '\n\015';  # note: this should really be only \015.
+# Items 19, 20, 21
+$qtext = qq/[^$esc$NonASCII$CRlist\"]/;               # for within "..."
+$dtext = qq/[^$esc$NonASCII$CRlist$OpenBR$CloseBR]/;  # for within [...]
+$quoted_pair = qq< $esc [^$NonASCII] >; # an escaped character
+# Items 22 and 23, comment.
+# Impossible to do properly with a regex, I make do by allowing at most one level of nesting.
+$ctext   = qq< [^$esc$NonASCII$CRlist()] >;
+# $Cnested matches one non-nested comment.
+# It is unrolled, with normal of $ctext, special of $quoted_pair.
+$Cnested = qq<
+   $OpenParen                            #  (
+      $ctext*                            #     normal*
+      (?: $quoted_pair $ctext* )*        #     (special normal*)*
+   $CloseParen                           #                       )
+# $comment allows one level of nested parentheses
+# It is unrolled, with normal of $ctext, special of ($quoted_pair|$Cnested)
+$comment = qq<
+   $OpenParen                              #  (
+       $ctext*                             #     normal*
+       (?:                                 #       (
+          (?: $quoted_pair | $Cnested )    #         special
+           $ctext*                         #         normal*
+       )*                                  #            )*
+   $CloseParen                             #                )
+# $X is optional whitespace/comments.
+$X = qq<
+   [$space$tab]*                    # Nab whitespace.
+   (?: $comment [$space$tab]* )*    # If comment found, allow more spaces.
+# Item 10: atom
+$atom_char   = qq/[^($space)<>\@,;:\".$esc$OpenBR$CloseBR$ctrl$NonASCII]/;
+$atom = qq<
+  $atom_char+    # some number of atom characters...
+  (?!$atom_char) # ..not followed by something that could be part of an atom
+# Item 11: doublequoted string, unrolled.
+$quoted_str = qq<
+    \"                                     # "
+       $qtext *                            #   normal
+       (?: $quoted_pair $qtext * )*        #   ( special normal* )*
+    \"                                     #        "
+# Item 7: word is an atom or quoted string
+$word = qq<
+    (?:
+       $atom                 # Atom
+       |                       #  or
+       $quoted_str           # Quoted string
+     )
+# Item 12: domain-ref is just an atom
+$domain_ref  = $atom;
+# Item 13: domain-literal is like a quoted string, but [...] instead of  "..."
+$domain_lit  = qq<
+    $OpenBR                            # [
+    (?: $dtext | $quoted_pair )*     #    stuff
+    $CloseBR                           #           ]
+# Item 9: sub-domain is a domain-ref or domain-literal
+$sub_domain  = qq<
+  (?:
+    $domain_ref
+    |
+    $domain_lit
+   )
+   $X # optional trailing comments
+# Item 6: domain is a list of subdomains separated by dots.
+$domain = qq<
+     $sub_domain
+     (?:
+        $Period $X $sub_domain
+     )*
+# Item 8: a route. A bunch of "@ $domain" separated by commas, followed by a colon.
+$route = qq<
+    \@ $X $domain
+    (?: , $X \@ $X $domain )*  # additional domains
+    :
+    $X # optional trailing comments
+# Item 6: local-part is a bunch of $word separated by periods
+$local_part = qq<
+    $word $X
+    (?:
+        $Period $X $word $X # additional words
+    )*
+# Item 2: addr-spec is local at domain
+$addr_spec  = qq<
+  $local_part \@ $X $domain
+# Item 4: route-addr is <route? addr-spec>
+$route_addr = qq[
+    < $X                 # <
+       (?: $route )?     #       optional route
+       $addr_spec        #       address spec
+    >                    #                 >
+# Item 3: phrase........
+$phrase_ctrl = '\000-\010\012-\037'; # like ctrl, but without tab
+# Like atom-char, but without listing space, and uses phrase_ctrl.
+# Since the class is negated, this matches the same as atom-char plus space and tab
+$phrase_char =
+   qq/[^()<>\@,;:\".$esc$OpenBR$CloseBR$NonASCII$phrase_ctrl]/;
+# We've worked it so that $word, $comment, and $quoted_str to not consume trailing $X
+# because we take care of it manually.
+$phrase = qq<
+   $word                        # leading word
+   $phrase_char *               # "normal" atoms and/or spaces
+   (?:
+      (?: $comment | $quoted_str ) # "special" comment or quoted string
+      $phrase_char *            #  more "normal"
+   )*
+## Item #1: mailbox is an addr_spec or a phrase/route_addr
+$mailbox = qq<
+    $X                                  # optional leading comment
+    (?:
+            $addr_spec                  # address
+            |                             #  or
+            $phrase  $route_addr      # name and address
+     )
+# The regex used in matching is built in $mailbox.
+# Here's a little snippet to test it.
+# Addresses given on the commandline are described.
+my $error = 0;
+my $valid;
+foreach $address (@ARGV) {
+    $valid = $address =~ m/^$mailbox$/xo;
+    printf "`$address' is syntactically %s.\n", $valid ? "valid" : "invalid";
+    $error = 1 if not $valid;
+exit $error;
+The program can be saved to a file and ran for testing e-mail addresses
+validity on the command line.
+For use with Interchange, you don't need the whole program &mdash; simply
+print the final regex generated in <literal>$mailbox</literal> and then copy
+it to the location where you need it.
+		</para></answer></qandaentry>
+		<qandaentry><question><para>
 		Optimizing e-mail delivery with a custom Sendmail routine
 It was observed in 2004 that about once in every ten times, the
@@ -586,6 +824,8 @@
 SendMailProgram /usr/local/bin/sendmail-bg
+<!-- XXX method with SMTPHost and sending to local exim queue -->
@@ -1145,7 +1385,41 @@
 Thanks Greg Hanson for providing this tip in March 2001.
+	</qandadiv>
+	<qandadiv><title>User database</title>
+		<qandaentry><question><para>
+		Searching through UserDB
+		</para></question><answer><para>
+		While you can normally access data in &glos-UserDB;,
+		searching it using Interchange search functions is
+		prevented by default (using &conf-NoSearch;).
+		</para><para>
+		To temporarily allow searching and perform a search for
+		an email address, use something like the following:
+	$Config->{NoSearch} =~ s/userdb//;
+	return;
+[loop search="
+ st=db
+    fi=userdb
+    ml=1
+    sf=email
+    se=[value email]
+    rf=username, password
+    "
+	[seti userdb_username][loop-field username][/seti]
+	[seti userdb_password][loop-field password][/seti]
+Thanks Hans-Joachim Leidinger for providing this tip in December 2000.
+		</para></answer></qandaentry>

1.25                 xmldocs/glossary/ITL

rev 1.25, prev_rev 1.24
Index: ITL
RCS file: /var/cvs/xmldocs/glossary/ITL,v
retrieving revision 1.24
retrieving revision 1.25
diff -u -r1.24 -r1.25
--- ITL	3 Apr 2008 15:35:45 -0000	1.24
+++ ITL	15 Jul 2008 00:58:44 -0000	1.25
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
-&IC; functions can be accessed via the Interchange Tag Language (&glos-ITL;).
+&IC; functions are accessed via the Interchange Tag Language (&glos-ITL;).
 The pages in a catalog may be mostly &glos-HTML;, but they will use ITL tags
 to provide dynamic content and access Interchange functions in general.
 ITL is a superset of MML, or &glos-Minivend; Markup Language.
-These ITL tags perform various display and modification operations for
-the user session. There's more than 200 standard predefined tags, and the
-&conf-UserTag; facility allows you to create custom tags that perform your own
-functions and can be just as powerful as the built-in tags. To get started
+ITL tags perform all kinds of operations.
+There's more than 200 standard predefined tags, and the
+&conf-UserTag; facility allows you to create your own custom tags, 
+indistinguishable from the ones "built-in". To get started
 with custom tags, see &glos-usertag; glossary entry.
@@ -26,10 +26,9 @@
 [value name]
-The tag, as seen in the above example, will insert the user's name (provided
-they supplied one in the first place).
+The above example will insert user's name.
-A container tag has both beginning and ending elements, such as &tag-if;:
+A container tag has both beginning and ending elements, such as tag &tag-if;:
 [if value name]
@@ -37,28 +36,11 @@
-In the above example, you can implicitly see that container tags are mostly
-useful only if some content is provided in their <emphasis>body</emphasis>
+In the above example, you see that container tags are in general
+useful only when content is provided in their <emphasis>body</emphasis>
 (the place between the opening and corresponding ending tag).
-Additionally, container tags for which you do not provide any
-<emphasis>body</emphasis> can be closed using "XML-style" syntax.
-The following two lines are identical in effect:
-[forum top="[item-code]" display_page="forum/display"][/forum]
-[forum top="[item-code]" display_page="forum/display" /]
-Note, however, that <emphasis role='bold'>you can use "<literal>/]</literal>"
-only with tags for which you provide no attributes, or the attributes are named
-and quoted</emphasis>. Positional attributes (<emphasis>parameters</emphasis>)
-"absorb" everything (including the "<literal>/</literal>") up to the closing
-It's probably also useful to mention that there must be no whitespace
+There must be no whitespace
 between the left bracket ([) and the tag name; <code>[forum]</code> is
 valid, <code>[ forum]</code> is not!
@@ -75,29 +57,25 @@
 between the opening and closing marker:
-[<replaceable>tagname</replaceable> <replaceable>parameters</replaceable> <replaceable>attributes</replaceable>]
+[<replaceable>tagname</replaceable> <replaceable>parameters_or_attributes</replaceable>]
   <replaceable>Body Text</replaceable>
-Some &IC; <emphasis>macros</emphasis> (plain drop-in text replacements)
-may look like tags or end tags. For example, <code>[/page]</code> is a 
-macro that expands to <literal>&lt;/a&gt;</literal>. This allows you to 
-conveniently write
-<code>[page <replaceable>href</replaceable>]
-<replaceable>Link text</replaceable>
-[/page]</code>, but &tag-page; is <emphasis>not</emphasis> a container
-tag, and link text is not treated as the corresponding body text. Finally,
-since <code>[/page]</code> only adds unnecessary burden on the parser,
-simply writing <code>&lt;/a&gt;</code> is preferred.
+Note that some &IC; <emphasis>macros</emphasis> (drop-in text replacements)
+may look like tags or end tags. For example, <code>[/page]</code> used to
+be a macro that expanded to <literal>&lt;/a&gt;</literal>, but  &tag-page;
+itself was not a container tag and <literal>[/page]</literal> wasn't its
+closing element. Likewise, some tags perform special subtags processing
+on their own, and the subtags are not considered real tags &mdash;
+they only exist in the context of the surrounding tag and usually support
+only limited options. One such example is tag &tag-row; with its subtag
-It is very important to mention that
+It is important to mention that
 <emphasis>if a tag <emphasis role='bold'>or</emphasis> argument name
 includes an underscore or dash (such as in &tag-item-list;), then you can
 always choose between the dash <emphasis role='bold'>and</emphasis>
@@ -115,59 +93,6 @@
 which is not what you'd expect).
-<title>HTML Comments</title>
-&glos-ITL; also allows you to use <literal>&lt;!--[</literal> and 
-<literal>]--&gt;</literal> as an alternative to plain square
-brackets. In other words, 
-<code>[<replaceable>tagname</replaceable> <replaceable>...</replaceable>]</code>
-and <code>&lt;!--[<replaceable>tagname</replaceable>
- <replaceable>...</replaceable>]--&gt;</code> are equivalent.
-This allows you to make your raw ITL tags appear as comments in &glos-HTML;
-browsers, and especially in HTML editors which might not like non-HTML markup
-at random positions.
-You might want to use this if your editor has trouble with
-&glos-ITL; tags when editing &IC; page templates, or alternatively, if
-you want to use one <literal>.html</literal> file both as an Interchange
-template and as a static page delivered directly by your web server, without
-performing any Interchange processing.
-If you really wish to treat HTML comments as plain comments, then you must
-include a whitespace between the HTML comment delimiters and the &glos-ITL;
-square brackets:
-<!--[value name]-->       becomes  Bill
-<!-- [value name] -->     becomes  <!-- Bill -->
-To prevent &glos-ITL; tags from being &glos-interpolate;d at all, you 
-either need to see the &pragma-no_html_comment_embed; pragma, or enclose
-the block in a special &glos-ITL; &tag-comment; tag:
-[comment] [value name] [/comment]
-Besides not being interpolated at all, &tag-comment; blocks do not
-appear in the final HTML sent to the client either, so you can be completely
-safe regarding any unintentional code or information leakage.
-While <literal>&lt;!--[</literal> and <literal>[</literal> are completely
-interchangeable, the &IC; parser does not replace <literal>]--&gt;</literal>
-with <literal>]</literal> unless it also sees <literal>&lt;!--[</literal>
-<emphasis>at least once somewhere on the page</emphasis>.
-This is a small parsing speed optimization and shouldn't cause you any
-trouble as you're supposed to be consistent in your syntax anyway.
-<!-- TODO there's more theoretical stuff in APPENDICES in ictags -->
@@ -203,22 +128,18 @@
 see a list of accepted positional arguments (and their implicit order) in
 each tag's SYNOPSIS reference section; try &tag-value; for example.
-Additionally, <emphasis role='bold'>you cannot mix named and positional
+<emphasis role='bold'>You cannot mix named and positional
 attributes in the same tag</emphasis>; use either all named, or all positional.
-<emphasis role='bold'>It seems I cannot stress this enough, this is a common
-beginners' mistake, especially when you copy/paste other people's code and
-combine with your own.</emphasis>
-In any case, positional syntax is appropriate for simpler tags and 
-&IC; interprets positional arguments somewhat faster (but don't let your
-<emphasis>need for speed</emphasis> drive you here; as 
+Positional syntax is appropriate for simpler tags and 
+&IC; interprets positional arguments slightly faster, but don't let 
+premature optimization kick in &mdash; as
 <ulink url="http://www.thocp.net/biographies/dijkstra_edsger.htm">Edsger W. Dykstra</ulink>
-once said, "Premature optimization is the root of all programming evil").
+once said, "Premature optimization is the root of all programming evil".
-In most cases, tag attributes specified in the positional fashion
-(<emphasis>parameters</emphasis>) work
-the same as named attributes. However, <emphasis role='bold'>there are a few
-situations where you must use named attributes</emphasis>:
+In most cases, positional attributes (called <emphasis>parameters</emphasis>)
+work the same as named attributes. However, <emphasis role='bold'>there are a
+few situations where you must use named attributes</emphasis>:
@@ -238,8 +159,9 @@
-  When you need to use the output of a tag as <emphasis>argument</emphasis> for
-  another tag.
+  When you need to interpolate the value of an attribute, such 
+	as of <literal>default=</literal> in
+	<code>[value name=time default="[time]"]</code>.
@@ -251,6 +173,61 @@
+<title>HTML Comments</title>
+&glos-ITL; also supports a special notation where you use HTML comment
+markers with ITL inside, and where the comments are removed by &IC;
+so that the tag results show up in the generated HTML page.
+That means <code>[<replaceable>tagname</replaceable> <replaceable>...</replaceable>]</code>
+and <code>&lt;!--[<replaceable>tagname</replaceable>
+ <replaceable>...</replaceable>]--&gt;</code> are equivalent.
+This allows you to make your raw ITL tags appear as comments in &glos-HTML;
+browsers, and especially in HTML editors which might not like non-HTML markup
+at random positions.
+You might want to use this if your editor has trouble with
+&glos-ITL; tags when editing &IC; page templates, or alternatively, if
+you want to use one <literal>.html</literal> file both as an Interchange
+page and as a static page delivered directly by your web server where no
+&IC; processing is performed.
+When you really wish to treat HTML comments as plain comments and not remove
+them, then you must include a whitespace between the HTML comment delimiters
+and the &glos-ITL; square brackets:
+<!--[value name]-->       becomes  Bill
+<!-- [value name] -->     becomes  <!-- Bill -->
+ITL is &glos-interpolate;d in both cases however. To prevent &glos-ITL;
+interpolation within HTML comments, you 
+either need to see the &pragma-no_html_comment_embed; pragma, or enclose
+the block in a special &glos-ITL; &tag-comment; tag instead of in 
+HTML comment:
+[comment] [value name] [/comment]
+Besides not being interpolated at all, &tag-comment; blocks do not
+appear in the final HTML sent to the client either, so you can be completely
+safe regarding any unintentional code or information leakage.
+While <literal>&lt;!--[</literal> and <literal>[</literal> are completely
+interchangeable, the &IC; parser does not replace <literal>]--&gt;</literal>
+with <literal>]</literal> unless it sees <literal>&lt;!--[</literal>
+<emphasis>at least once somewhere on the page</emphasis>.
+This is a small parsing speed optimization and shouldn't cause you any
+trouble as you're supposed to be consistent in your syntax anyway.
+<!-- TODO there's more theoretical stuff in APPENDICES in ictags -->
 <title>Argument Interpolation</title>
@@ -260,7 +237,7 @@
 are &glos-interpolate;d.
 If you want to use one tag's output as another tag's input, you
-cannot use positional syntax and you must double-quote the
+must use named syntax and you must double-quote the
 argument. For example, this <emphasis role='bold'>WILL NOT</emphasis> work:
@@ -276,8 +253,9 @@
 Note that the <arg choice='plain'>href</arg> argument did not need to be
-quoted; only <arg choice='plain'>arg</arg> did because it
-contained a whitespace.
+quoted; <arg choice='plain'>arg</arg> did, because it
+contained a whitespace and it contained a tag intended for interpolation
+(<literal>[scratch variable_name]</literal>).
@@ -288,9 +266,10 @@
 before being passed as value to <literal>arg=</literal>.
-However, when the attributes are of complex types (array or hash
-references), their values <emphasis role='bold'>are not</emphasis>
-&glos-interpolate;d. The interpolation is controlled by the
+However, when the attributes contain a dot (such as 
+<literal>name.first=</literal> or <literal>name.last=</literal>),
+their values <emphasis role='bold'>are not</emphasis>
+&glos-interpolate;d by default. Their interpolation is controlled by the
 &pragma-interpolate_itl_references; pragma, and more about this whole
 concept can be learned below in <xref linkend="itl_arrays_and_hashes"/>.
@@ -321,17 +300,40 @@
 removing leading and trailing whitespace, but generally you can use 
 all types in combination to do three levels of quoting with ITL; for 
 more deeply nested constructs, use direct &PERL; code.
+Additionally, container tags
+can be closed using "XML-style" syntax.
+The following two lines are identical in effect:
+  [forum top="[item-code]" display_page=forum_display  ][/forum]
+  [forum top="[item-code]" display_page=forum_display /]
+Note, however, that <emphasis role='bold'>you can use "<literal>/]</literal>"
+only with tags for which you provide no attributes, or the attributes are named
+and quoted</emphasis>.
+Positional attributes (<emphasis>parameters</emphasis>)
+"absorb" everything (including the "<literal>/</literal>") up to the closing
+bracket, and therefore using "/]" is not possible.
+When using "/]" notation, it is still possible to provide body for the tag
+by specifying <literal>body=</literal> attribute.
-The above answers to the quoting problem, however, are still not all there is
-to know about quoting.
-In general, <emphasis>loop subtags</emphasis>, which we explain some lines
-below, do not need quotes (even though they sometimes contain whitespace)
-because they are parsed in a separate pass, before the general parser takes on.
+The above covers a good deal of quoting, but it's still not all
+there is to it.
+<emphasis>Loop subtags</emphasis>, which we explain some lines
+below, are an exception to the rule and do not need quotes
+(even though they sometimes contain whitespace),
+because they are parsed earlier in a separate pass, before the
+general parser takes on.
-Here's an example that would work properly with quotes omitted. (Pay attention
+Here's an example with loop subtags that would work properly even
+with quotes omitted. (Pay attention
 to <code>[item-field url]</code> which, at first sight, looks like it is
-invalid because it is not quoted and contains a space.)
+invalid because it contains a space and is not quoted nor named.)
 [page [item-field url]]detailed info[/page] on [item-description]
@@ -340,13 +342,7 @@
-<code>[page [value mypage]]</code>, however, would <emphasis>not</emphasis>
-work, because the &tag-value; tag shown is not one of the looping subtags
-(for the record, it's not even close). But as we said, we'll get back to
-subtags and their availability in a minute.
-You might wonder why unquoted tags are even allowed. The answer is
+You might wonder why unquoted tags are  allowed. The answer is
 <emphasis>performance</emphasis>. If you have large lists of tags you can
 achieve significant speed-ups by using positional attributes. Parsing and
 disassembling named attributes takes some more CPU cycles.
@@ -375,10 +371,10 @@
 Enabling direct access to Interchange data structures (and code, and 
-everything), thus achieving unparalleled flexibility
-Unify coding style, if you decide to write everything in Perl directly
+Unifying coding style

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