[interchange-cvs] interchange - ton modified dist/foundation/templates/components/results_grid

interchange-core@icdevgroup.org interchange-core@icdevgroup.org
Fri Dec 6 09:06:01 2002

User:      ton
Date:      2002-12-06 14:05:26 GMT
Added:     dist/foundation/templates/components results_grid
	Added a new configurable results page component.
	This results_grid component enables one to display
	search results in a grid like fashion.

	The layout of the product display is based on user
	definable HTML templates. One default template is

	Please send any comments or suggestions for improvement to:
	Ton Verhagen (ton@verhagen.net).


Revision  Changes    Path
1.1                  interchange/dist/foundation/templates/components/results_grid

rev 1.1, prev_rev 1.0
Index: results_grid
ui_component: results_grid
ui_type: component
ui_name: results_grid
ui_class: content
ui_group: search
ui_help: Configurable results page with Buy List.
ui_label: Search Results (configurable grid) with Buy List
ui_source: templates/components/results_grid

        label: Number of Columns to display?
        options: 1,2,3*,4,5,6,7,8,9,10
        type: select
	help: You can control the number of rows by using an appropriate number for mv_matchlimit in the search

	label: Use Newspaper format?
	widget: yesno
	help: Set to Yes when you want your results vertically organized.  

	label: Template
	widget: textarea_10_50
	help: Define your own HTML template using {FIELDNAME} constructs as placeholders for the (record)fields. E.g. {SKU} for the SKU and {DESCRIPTION} for the description of a product. This will override the default template.

	label: Display Buy List Button?
	widget: yesno
	help: Only useful in combination with a Quantity box placeholder( {QUANTITY_BOX} ) in template.

<!-- BEGIN COMPONENT [control component results_grid] -->

Available placeholders for HTML Template:
* All field names (in capitals) e.g. {SKU} for sku field, {COMMENT} for comment field, etc.
* Additional place holders:
	{PRICE}		- processed product field
	{IMAGE}		- processed product field, full image tag (item image)
	{THUMB}		- processed product field, full image tag (thumb image)
	{STOCK}		- Inventory check, returns text 'Yes' or link 'No' to stock-alert page
	{PRODUCT_LINK}	- Represents the URL to products page. To be used in href 
	{QUANTITY_BOX}	- Text input box to specify the quantity of product
	{BUY_BUTTON}	- The 'BUY NOW' button

Please send any comments or suggestions for improvement to: 
	Ton Verhagen (ton@verhagen.net) 

[tmp buylist_button][control buylist_button 0][/tmp]

[if scratch did_order]
[include file="templates/components/cart_display"]<br>
[set did_order][/set]

[perl tables="products"]$Scratch->{itemcount}=0;return;[/perl]
[seti results_return_to][history-scan exclude=nothing count=0][/seti]
[set munge_quantity]
        $Scratch->{did_order} = 1;
        @q = split /\0/, $CGI->{mv_order_quantity};
        for (@q) {
                next unless length $_;
                $_ = "=$_";
        @parms = grep /^mv_oi\d+/ && $CGI->{$_}, keys %{$CGI};

        # If we have parms, means an individual buy. If we don't
        # we want to strip empty items
        unless (@parms) {
                @i = split "\0", $CGI->{mv_order_item};
                for(my $i = 0; $i < @i; $i++) {
                        next if length($q[$i]);
                        $i[$i] = '';
                @i = grep length($_), @i;
                @q = grep length($_), @q;
                $CGI_array->{mv_order_quantity} = \@q;
                $CGI->{mv_order_quantity} = join "\0", @q;
                $CGI_array->{mv_order_item} = \@i;
                $CGI->{mv_order_item} = join "\0", @i;
        my $item = $parms[0];
        $item =~ /(\d+)/ or return;
        my $idx = $1;
        $CGI->{mv_order_item} = $CGI->{$item};
        $CGI->{mv_order_quantity} = "$q[$idx]";
        [bounce href="[scratch results_return_to]"]

<FORM ACTION="[area nothing]" METHOD=POST>
<INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=mv_session_id value="[data session id]">
<INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=mv_action VALUE=refresh>
<INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=mv_separate_items VALUE=0>
<INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=mv_click VALUE=munge_quantity>

    my $n = [control cols 3];
    $Scratch->{width_percent} = int(100 / $n) . '%' if $n > 0;

	table='width="95%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3"'
	cols='[control cols 3]'
	columnize='[control columnize 0]'

[item-sub show_product]

	my $sku = shift;
	my $pdb = $Db{products};
        my $record = $pdb->row_hash($sku);
        return undef unless $record;


	### Definition of default template ###
	my $tmpl = $Tag->control('htmltmpl') || <<EO_TMPL;
<div style="border: solid 1px #DDDDDD;" width="100%">
  <table cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 border=0 width="100%">
     <tr class="contentbar1"><td colspan=2><b>{DESCRIPTION}</b></td></tr>
	<td><a href="{PRODUCT_LINK}">{THUMB}</a></td>
	<td valign=top bgcolor="#eeeeee" width="100%">
		<div style="padding-left:5px;">	
			<span style="font-size:10px;">
				SKU: {SKU}<br><br>
				Stock: {STOCK}<br>
			<p align=right><a href="{PRODUCT_LINK}" style="text-decoration:none; font-size:10px;" title="Click here for more information on this product">More info...</a></p>
    <tr class="contentbar1"><td style="font-size:10px;">Price: {PRICE}</td><td align=right valign=middle>{QUANTITY_BOX} &nbsp; {BUY_BUTTON}</td></tr>

	$record->{price} = $Tag->price($sku);
	$record->{image} = $Tag->image({
					imagesubdir => "items",
					src => $record->{image},
					extra => "border=0",
					title => "Click for more information.",
					alt => $record->{description},
	$record->{thumb} = $Tag->image({
					imagesubdir => "thumb",
					src => $record->{thumb},
					extra => "border=0",
					title => "Click for more information.",
					alt => $record->{description},

	my $q = $Tag->data('inventory', 'quantity', $sku);
	if ($q > 0) {
		$record->{stock} = <<EOF;
<span style="color: #008000; font-size:10px; font-family: san-serif; font-weight: bold;">Yes</span>
	else {
		my $url = $Tag->area('stock-alert', $sku);
		$record->{stock} = <<EOF;
<a href="$url" title="Click here to pre-order this item or get notified as soon as this item is available again." style="color: #FF0000; font-size:10px; font-family: san-serif; font-weight: bold;">No</a>

	$record->{product_link} = $Tag->area($sku);

	if ($Session->{browser} =~ /mac/) {
		$record->{buy_button} = <<EOF;
<input type=submit value="[L]Buy now[/L]" onClick="this.form.mv_oi$Scratch->{itemcount}.value='$sku'" border=0>
	else {
		$record->{buy_button} = <<EOF;
<input type=image src="$Variable->{THEME_IMG_DIR}buynow.gif" onClick="this.form.mv_oi$Scratch->{itemcount}.value='$sku'" border=0>

	$record->{quantity_box} = <<EOF;
<input type=text name=mv_order_quantity size=2 value="" style="height:16px;font-size:10px;background-color:#eeeeee;">
	return $Tag->uc_attr_list($record,$tmpl);


<TD width="[scratch width_percent]">
  <INPUT TYPE=hidden  NAME="mv_order_item" VALUE="[item-code]">
  <input type=hidden name="mv_oi[item-increment]" value="">
  [item-exec show_product][item-code][/item-exec]


[if scratch buylist_button]<div align=right style="width:95%;"><br><INPUT TYPE=submit VALUE="Buy List"></div>[/if]

        Don't show the search string if it was empty, since it looks weird
        and the user will see the error below anyway.
[tmp matchstring][value-extended name=mv_searchspec joiner=" | "][/tmp]
[if scratch matchstring]
Sorry, no matches for <B>[scratch matchstring]</B>.
[if value mv_search_error]
[value-extended name=mv_search_error joiner="<BR>"]

Matches [matches] of [match-count] found.



<!-- END COMPONENT [control component results_grid] -->