[interchange-cvs] interchange - heins modified 8 files

interchange-cvs at icdevgroup.org interchange-cvs at icdevgroup.org
Sat Apr 16 12:02:12 EDT 2005

User:      heins
Date:      2005-04-16 16:02:12 GMT
Added:     extensions/benchtimes README catalog.cfg.add
Added:              interchange.cfg.add
Added:     extensions/benchtimes/bin benchtimes
Added:     eg/usertag benchmark.tag sleep.tag
Removed:   eg/usertag benchmark sleep
* Add "benchtimes" extension that easily allows you to analyze CPU eaters
  for your Interchange catalog. Documented with README and pod for
  the utility.

* Make the benchmark example usertag thread-safe.

* Add .tag extensions to the eg/usertag tags.

Revision  Changes    Path
1.1                  interchange/extensions/benchtimes/README

rev 1.1, prev_rev 1.0
benchtimes -- Simple Interchange extension to add benchmarking of catalogs


	1. Append interchange.cfg.add to your interchange.cfg file.
	2. Append catalog.cfg.add to the catalog.cfg for any catalog
	   you want to benchmark.
	3. Copy bin/benchtimes to a place where you can execute it.
	   You could possibly have to change the first line to point
	   to a proper perl, but almost any modern perl will do.
	4. Periodically run "benchtimes CATDIR/logs/bench.log"
	   to summarize high usage. Do "perldoc bin/benchtimes"
	   for more information.

1.1                  interchange/extensions/benchtimes/catalog.cfg.add

rev 1.1, prev_rev 1.0
Index: catalog.cfg.add
## Add these to your catalog.cfg file to do benchtimes
AutoLoad   benchtimes_start
AutoEnd    benchtimes_end

1.1                  interchange/extensions/benchtimes/interchange.cfg.add

rev 1.1, prev_rev 1.0
Index: interchange.cfg.add
### Add this chunk to the end of your interchange.cfg file to enable
### benchtimes

UserTag benchtimes Order start display
UserTag benchtimes Routine <<EOR
sub {
    my ($start, $display) = @_;
    my @times = times();
    if($start or ! defined $::Instance->{benchtimes_start}) {
        $::Instance->{benchtimes_start} = 0;
        $::Instance->{benchtimes_times} = [ @times ];
        for(@times) {
            $::Instance->{benchtimes_start} += $_;
    my $current_total;
    if($display or ! $start) {
		my $benchtimes_times = $::Instance->{benchtimes_times};
        for(@times) {
            $current_total += $_;
        unless ($start) {
            $current_total = sprintf '%.3f', $current_total - $::Instance->{benchtimes_start};
            for(my $i = 0; $i < 4; $i++) {
                $times[$i] = sprintf '%.3f', $times[$i] - $benchtimes_times->[$i];
        return $current_total;

## You can change the location
Variable BENCHTIMES_LOG_FILE  logs/bench.log
Variable BENCHTIMES_COUNTER   logs/bench.counter

## Subroutine to start the logging process
GlobalSub benchtimes_start <<EOS
sub {
	my @bench_things = qw( ip path session pid time count bench );
	my %hash = (
		ip		=> $CGI::remote_addr,
		path	=> $CGI::request_uri,
		session	=> $Vend::SessionID,
		pid		=> $$,
		time	=> time(),
		= $Vend::Session->{benchtimes_count}
			= Vend::Interpolate::tag_counter($Global::Variable->{BENCHTIMES_COUNTER});

	# Start the benchtimes

GlobalSub benchtimes_end <<EOS
sub {
	my @bench_things = qw( ip path session pid time count bench );
	my %hash = (
		ip		=> $CGI::remote_addr,
		path	=> $CGI::request_uri,
		session	=> $Vend::SessionID,
		pid		=> $$,
		time	=> time(),
		count	=> $Vend::Session->{benchtimes_count},
		bench	=> $Vend::Interpolate::Tag->benchtimes(undef,1),

1.1                  interchange/extensions/benchtimes/bin/benchtimes

rev 1.1, prev_rev 1.0
Index: benchtimes

=head1 NAME

benchtimes -- utility to analyze benchtimes logging for Interchange


  benchtimes [-n count] [-t timespec] file


This small tool analyzes the CPU usage of Interchange by session id
and IP address. It shows the top users in seconds of time and number of hits.


use Getopt::Std;
use strict;
my %opt;
getopts('n:t:', \%opt);

use POSIX qw/strftime/;
my %session_time;
my %session_hits;
my %total_time;
my %total_hits;
my %total_elapsed;
my %earliest;
my %latest;
my %elapsed;
my %info;

# Parses a time specification such as "1 day" and returns the
# number of seconds in the interval, or undef if the string could
# not be parsed.
sub time_to_seconds {
	my($str) = @_;
	my($n, $dur);

	($n, $dur) = ($str =~ m/(\d+)[\s\0]*(\w+)?/);
	return undef unless defined $n;
	if (defined $dur) {
		local($_) = $dur;
		if (m/^s|sec|secs|second|seconds$/i) {
		elsif (m/^m|min|mins|minute|minutes$/i) {
			$n *= 60;
		elsif (m/^h|hour|hours$/i) {
			$n *= 60 * 60;
		elsif (m/^d|day|days$/i) {
			$n *= 24 * 60 * 60;
		elsif (m/^w|week|weeks$/i) {
			$n *= 7 * 24 * 60 * 60;
		else {
			return undef;


=head1 OPTIONS

=over 4

=item -n count

The number of entries to display for each type. This
would display 16 of each:

    benchtimes -n 16 /var/lib/interchange/foundation/logs/bench.log

Default is 10.

=item -t timespec

Determines how far back in time you want to go. Accepts a standard Interchange
time specification, i.e. "1 day" or "3 hours". This would summarize for
the past day:

	benchtimes -t 1d /var/lib/interchange/foundation/logs/bench.log

Default is not set, meaning all log lines are analyzed.


my %start;

my $first = 0;
my $now = time();
if($opt{t}) {
	my $minus = time_to_seconds($opt{t});
	$first = $now - $minus;

while(<>) {
	my ($ip, $path, $sessionid, $pid, $time, $id, $bench) = split /\t/, $_;
	next unless $time > $first;
	if($bench) {
		$session_time{$sessionid} += $bench;
		$total_time{$ip} += $bench;
		$info{$id} = "ip=$ip path=$path pid=$pid time=$bench";
		unless($start{$id}) {
			warn "Couldn't find start for $_\n";
		elsif(! $time) {
			warn "No end time for $_\n";
		else {
			$elapsed{$id} = $start{$id} - $time;
		$total_elapsed{$ip} += $elapsed{$id};
		$latest{$ip} = $time;
		$latest{$sessionid} = $time;
	else {
		$start{$id} = $time;
		$earliest{$ip} ||= $time;
		$earliest{$sessionid} ||= $time;

my %display = (
	session_time  => \%session_time,
	session_hits  => \%session_hits,
	total_hits    => \%total_hits,
	total_time    => \%total_time,

my %fmt = (
	session_time  => '%9.3f seconds',
	session_hits  => '%6d hits',
	total_hits    => '%6d hits',
	total_time    => '%9.3f seconds',

my $started;
my $n = $opt{n} || 10;

no strict 'refs';
for my $tag (sort keys %display) {
	my $ref = $display{$tag}
		or warn "No reference found for $tag. Skip.\n", next;
	print "\n" if $started++;
	my @keys = sort { $ref->{$b} <=> $ref->{$a} } keys %$ref;
	print "Displaying top $n by $tag\n";
	print "---------------------------------\n";
	for(my $i = 0; $i < $n; $i++) {
		my $id = $keys[$i] or next;
		my $early = strftime('%m-%d %H:%M:%S', localtime($earliest{$id}));
		my $late  = strftime('%m-%d %H:%M:%S', localtime($latest{$id}));
		printf "%-20s $fmt{$tag} (from %s to %s)\n", $id, $ref->{$id}, $early, $late;

=head1 SEE ALSO


=head1 AUTHOR

Mike Heins, <mike (at domain) perusion.com>.

=head1 BUGS

None known at this time.


1.1                  interchange/eg/usertag/benchmark.tag

rev 1.1, prev_rev 1.0
Index: benchmark.tag
UserTag benchmark Order start display
UserTag benchmark AddAttr
UserTag benchmark Routine <<EOR
sub {
    my ($start, $display, $opt) = @_;
    my @times = times();
	my @bench_times;
    if($start or ! defined $::Instance->{bench_start}) {
        $::Instance->{bench_start} = 0;
        $::Instance->{bench_times} = [ @times ];
        for(@times) {
            $::Instance->{bench_start} += $_;
    my $current_total;
    if($display or ! $start) {
		my $bench_times = $::Instance->{bench_times};
        for(@times) {
            $current_total += $_;
        unless ($start) {
            $current_total = sprintf '%.3f', $current_total - $::Instance->{bench_start};
            for(my $i = 0; $i < 4; $i++) {
                $times[$i] = sprintf '%.3f', $times[$i] - $bench_times->[$i];
        return $current_total if ! $opt->{verbose};
        return "total=$current_total user=$times[0] sys=$times[1] cuser=$times[2] csys=$times[3]";

1.1                  interchange/eg/usertag/sleep.tag

rev 1.1, prev_rev 1.0
Index: sleep.tag
UserTag  sleep  Documentation <<EOD
Will cause a pause for the number of seconds specified. To pause
3 seconds, do:

	[sleep 3]


UserTag  sleep  Order seconds
UserTag  sleep  Routine <<EOR
sub {
	my $secs = shift || '10';
	if($secs > 60) {
		::logError("no sleeping for more than 60 seconds");
	$secs = int($secs);
	return $secs;

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