[ic] problems with MySQL

Andy Delgado adelgado@apollos-dev.com
Sun, 10 Dec 2000 07:51:48 -0600


I just installed ic 4.6.1 on a Cobalt RaQ3.  I am using MySQL 3.22, PHP
4.0.3pl1 , Apache 1.3.6.

I am unable to get interchange to create a catalog, results with the
following error:

Low traffic settings.
Calling UI....
...UI is loaded....
Interchange V4.6.1
Configuring catalog construct...Using MySQL, DSN=dbi:mysql:test_construct6.
construct config error: connect failed (create) -- unknown error. Driver
'mysql' installed?

construct: error in configuration. Skipping.
construct: config error. Skipping.
Interchange server started in INET and UNIX mode(s) (process id 32551)

Can someone give me some pointers??
Andy Delgado
Apollos Development

Andy Delgado
Apollos Development