[ic] 4.6.1 Auto_number - auto_increment

Ton Verhagen ton@verhagen.net
Thu, 14 Dec 2000 13:10:41 +0100

Dear Mike and Akopia staff,

There was a thread on auto_increment mid August 2000.

Racke supplied a patch for IC4.5.5 that handled the insertion of new 
records in a table with an auto_increment field (MySQL).

Do you have any plans to incorporate auto_increment functionality in the IC 
admin interface?

I strongly feel that customers should not need to figure out a key value 
for themselves. Reason why I, and probably many others, use auto_increment 
fields extensively. Unfortunately the current release 4.6.1 doesn't support 
it (properly). Adding this feature to IC would make it even more powerful. 
I really look forward to IC supporting this feature.

Best regards,

Ton Verhagen