[ic] Credit card encryption error

Dave Barr dave.barr@cricinfo.com
Mon, 16 Oct 2000 15:52:10 +0100

Debian 2.2.17, MySQL 3.22.32, IC 4.5.7 (latest CVS), perl 5.005=>03
Hi all,

I'm hoping someone might be able to shed a bit of light on my 
'current' little problem. I've installed the IC construct catalog, 
heavily edited and adjusted it and everything is fine until the 
checkout page. Whenever I submit credit card details the value 
mv_credit_card_valid from;
   [error std_label="Credit Card Information" name=mv_credit_card_valid]
   Credit card encryption error

Interchanges error log gives me...

[snip interchange error.log] tWJiVrSt: - [16/October/2000:15:23:11 
+0100] cishop /exec/cishop/process.html Encryption error:

The catalogs error log is OK.

What I'd like to know is what routine checks this, I've been thro the 
dox and grep'd till my fingers hurt through the file system... can't 
find a sausage. The etc/profiles.order has no mention of encryption 
so I am at a loss. I checked with another default catalog and it 
works OK so I've obviously missed (or messed) something down the line.

Any help most welcome

Dave Barr        eCommerce Technical Manager      CricInfo Ltd
www.cricinfo.com   dave.barr@cricinfo.com    Tel: 01249 700748