[ic] Can i use http post for payment verification?

Hans-Joachim Leidinger jojo@buchonline.net
Tue, 24 Oct 2000 21:19:38 +0200

Nik Lim wrote:
> Can Interchange support http post method for payment verification? I am
> using www.paydirect.com.my as the hosted payment server. It uses hidden
> field in the shopping cart to post merchant information, order id, billing
> amount
> to paydirect system. Users key in credit card info at paydirect pages and
> upon successful or failure, they are redirect back to my site. Here are the
> compulsory hidden fields for paydirect system to work.
> 1) MerchantApprovalURL
> 2) MerchantUnApprovalURL
> 3) MerchantReturnURL
> 4) TransactionType
> 5) CurrencyCode
> 6) FullTotal
> 7) Merchantname
> 8) MerchantEmail
> 9) OrderID
> Any one have any idea if these can work with Interchange?

Depend on you special case...Interchange is able to support the post
methode. The key words is "fetching cgi query string" and "[perl


-------------Hans-Joachim Leidinger---------------------