[ic] Follow up to FormAction question

Randy Moore ramoore@axion-it.net
Mon, 11 Sep 2000 18:58:53 -0400

At 12:24 AM 9/12/00 +0200, you wrote:
>Randy Moore <ramoore@axion-it.net> writes:
> > Hi again,
> >
> > Sorry for following up my own post, but I forgot to explain why I'm trying
> > to use FormAction.  Maybe there is a better way.  Any suggestions?
> >
> > I'm actually trying to use a 'profile' to validate form fields before a
> > customer is allowed to add an item to their basket.  In other words, 
> unless
> > the customer provides good values in a form, they can't add this 
> product to
> > their basket.
>Arbritrary form checks are very easy with MV4+
>See http://www.linuxia.de/minivend.en.html,
>section Checks.

Hi Stefan,

Yes, I agree that getting the form checking to work is quite easy.  But 
getting an item added to the basket ONLY IF the form checks are passed is 
the part I couldn't get to work.

If I add an 'mv_order_item' directly in the form, it gets processed before 
the profile is evaluated.

I tried setting 'mv_order_item' in the profile after the '&fatal=yes', but 
that didn't work either.

[set name=order_gift_profile]
&set=mv_successpage ord/basket
&set=mv_failpage gift
&fatal = yes

&set=mv_order_item MEMBERSHIPGIFT
&set=mv_order_quantity 1

Thanks for the response.

Randy Moore
Axion Information Technologies, Inc.

email     ramoore@axion-it.net
phone   301-408-1200
fax        301-445-3947