[ic] input type=image

Christopher Saint-Amand csaint-amand@platform.net
Tue, 19 Sep 2000 13:44:34 -0400

I'm trying to finish up our catalog and one of the things that needs to be
done is to have image buttons replace html buttons.  Given the following
line on the "basket" page:
<input type=submit onClick="this.form.target='_top'"  name="mv_click"
Value="Check out">

The refresh button and checkout button are fine, but if I set the type to
image as follows:
<input type=image src="checkout.gif"  onClick="this.form.target='_top'"
name="mv_click" Value="Check out">

I get a "refresh" on clicking "Check out."

I've been experimenting with putting different name values, etc. in there,
but with no (good) results.

The hidden values are as follows:

<INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=mv_session_id VALUE="[data session id]">
<INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=mv_doit      VALUE=refresh>
<INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=mv_orderpage VALUE="ord/basket">
<INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=mv_checkout  VALUE="ord/checkout">
<INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=mv_nextpage  VALUE=index>

Anyone got any hints?
