[ic] Error log entries - meaning?

Curt Hauge chc@mninter.net
Fri, 13 Apr 2001 13:35:33 -0500

Quoting BobPuff@NLE

>...when entering the Admin area:

> xnvTzbrQ: - [13/April/2001:01:51:25 -0400]
>/solux/cgi-bin/tlistore/admin/genconfig.html Can't read file
>'/home/solux/catalogs/tlistore/etc/status.tlistore' with NoAbsolute set
> xnvTzbrQ: - [13/April/2001:01:51:39 -0400]
>/solux/cgi-bin/tlistore/admin/genconfig Can't read file
>'/home/solux/catalogs/tlistore/etc/status.tlistore' with NoAbsolute set
>Should I worry?  The store -seems- to be running ok.>

Mike pointed this out to me 3/22/01:

This is a UI error, and is really nothing to worry about. We will fix
it in the next version by using a UserTag to read the status file.

You can eliminate the error with this patch to lib/UI/pages/genconfig.html

diff -r1.17 genconfig.html
<       <TD>[file name=`"$Config->{ConfDir}/status.$Config->{CatalogName}"`]
([page __UI_BASE__/reconfig @@MV_PAGE@@]apply now</A>)</TD>
>       <TD>[file name=`"etc/status.$Config->{CatalogName}"`] ([page
__UI_BASE__/reconfig @@MV_PAGE@@]apply now</A>)</TD>

It should be in the Interchange archives, but this came from my personal

Good luck!

Curt Hauge