[ic] WARNING: Reconfiguration may have timed out.

Roland@beda interchange-users@interchange.redhat.com
Tue Aug 28 19:35:01 2001

Can anyone help me....?

I finally managed to get the programme running and I need to start
tweaking the preferences. Unfortunately I get this (from error.log):

- - - [29/August/2001:00:04:07 +0100] - - Bad script name
'/atrium/go/firsttest.cgi' for reconfig.
- - - [29/August/2001:00:04:07 +0100] - - Bad script name
'/atrium/go/firsttest.cgi' for reconfig.
- - - [29/August/2001:00:04:07 +0100] - - Died in housekeeping, retry:
unlink /web/guide/main/public_html/atrium/go/etc/reconfig: No such file
or directory

The paths seem to be correct but I don't  recognise the reconfig file -
should it have been placed on the server with installation? Does it
actually exist?
Previous threads on this issue haven't been too useful.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
