[ic] Screen access logging

joachim.richter interchange-users@interchange.redhat.com
Sun Dec 2 16:03:01 2001

Hi list,

by flicking through the archives I found this interesting tag

> we would like to log who it is
> that logged in and every page that they access.  

> [tag arg="pages/log/logfile.log" op=log interpolate=1]
> Hi...user visit the page yxz !
> [/tag]

yeah I like it and lets use it ! So I put this tag on a page and
accessed it like a million times, no log.
okay then I  thought got wise and copied an empty file called
logfile.log in the catalogs/foundation/pages/log directory
no use.

Does anybody know what i am overseeing ? And something else
how do I get rid of the "1" which is always showing up ?
Do I have to delete the interpolate=1, well since the tag isn't 
working, I cannot do the trial and error thing. 

[tag arg="pages/log/logfile.log" op=log interpolate=1]

[set test1]
[value lname] accessed the page @_MV_PAGE_@


[scratch test1]

How come the [value lname] doesn't get "computed" I also tried
[data table=userdb column=lname key='[data session username]']

Is it because it says nesting=NO  for the log tag ? Any ideas how to
get around it ?

Thanx guys

US Video Center Medien GmbH
Heimsheimer Str 22
70499 Stuttgart

Tel 0711 880252 0
Fax 0711 880252 22
Email joachim.richter@usvideocenter.de