[ic] GPG how-to for hosted servers

Boyd Lynn Gerber interchange-users@interchange.redhat.com
Mon Dec 17 17:29:01 2001

On Mon, 17 Dec 2001, Patrick J. Walsh wrote:
>     The next step is setting your variables properly.  To do this, use the
> admin interface and go to Administration->Preferences->Encryption.  If you
> don't have all of the variables listed below there, then you should create
> them just to be consistent with these instructions.  Use the New Entry
> submenu item.
> ENCRYPTOR    <blank>
> PGP    /usr/bin/gpg --no-default-keyring --always-trust --keyring
> /home/dyna-q/.gnupg/pubring.gpg -e -a --batch -t -r '%s'
> PGP_CC_KEY    orders-cc@example.com
> PGP_KEY            orders@example.com

Please note that you can also take the public key you generate and using
the IC admin wizard have it import your key.  I did have to set this.

PGP	/usr/bin/gpg -e -a -q -batch --no-tty --always-trust

and IC imported the key and it encrypted the CC# and sent it properly.

Good Luck,

Boyd Gerber <gerberb@zenez.com>
ZENEZ	3748 Valley Forge Road, Magna Utah  84044