[IC] shipping based on a fixed base plus so much per item purchased.

Boyd Lynn Gerber gerberb@zenez.com
Fri, 9 Feb 2001 06:43:12 -0700 (MST)

Thanks for all the help in the past.

I have all the shipping methods working except this one.  Every thing I
have tried does not seem to work.

This is the base where I started.  (They are tab seperated)

usps    Priority Mail   quantity        0       99999999        4

This sets the fixed handling charge of $4.00.  What they want is the fixed
handling charge plux 1 dollar for category periodicals and 2 dollars for
category books.  They also want a seperate shipping type with just a flat
fee plus 1 dollar for everything in the cart.  Which I then created the

usps    Priority Mail   quantity        0       99999999        4
usps1    Priority Mail1   quantity        0       99999999        4

after reading the icdatabase documents.  I thought the following should
work.  ***Note I replaced the 4 with f ... below and the \ at the end is
just a place holder to show the line was continued for readability.  (It
really is just one long line.)

usps    Priority Mail   quantity        0       99999999        f 4 + \

for the last case above.  It did not work.   I then tried for the f...

f [perl][calc] 4 + [item-list] o <products>::<books> * 2 + o \
<products>::<peridocals> [/item-list][/calc][/perl]


f [perl][calc] 4 + [item-list] o <sku> [/item-list][/calc][/perl]

neither of these worked.  Could some one shed a little light on what I am
doing wrong?


Boyd Gerber <gerberb@zenez.com>
ZENEZ	3748 Valley Forge Road, Magna Utah  84044
Office 801-250-0795 FAX 801-250-7975