[ic] Search box perversion

Ed LaFrance edl@newmediaems.com
Thu, 22 Feb 2001 08:57:11 -0800

At 03:08 PM 02/21/2001 -0500, you wrote:
>Hi Everyone.
>         I'm just getting started setting up interchange 4.6.3 and I have been
>going through the catalog building tutorial and I've gotten myself
>stumped. Everything seems to work just fine with the exception of the
>search box (13.6) For what ever reason when I enter in any kind of
>description or an sku the search results always returns nothing found.
>         The error logs are populated with the following lines indicating that
>their is a missing file, namely products.asc A search through the mail
>archive brings up many mentions of a file with this extension, most of
>which seems to indicate that this file is created by the daemon when a
>search by a visitor is performed, but little other information.
>         Hopefully this with be a Doh question but what am I going wrong? Do I
>need to create this file? (The gdbm file is being generated by the
> zi3U2Dr8: - [20/February/2001:15:44:20 -0500]
>tutorial /cgi-bin/tutorial/search Couldn't open search file
>'/var/lib/interchange/tutorial/products/products.asc': No such file or

At first glance, I would say that you are doing a text-based search (which 
is what usually happens by default when you don't specify an alternative 
with mv_searchtype), that the text source file for the products table is 
named products.asc (this is set in catalog.cfg - are you using a 
catalog.cfg from an older minivend catalog), and that products.asc is not 
present in the products directory of your catalog (or is present but 
unreadable).  I suppose it is also possible that the source file that is 
needed but missing is called products.txt and the error message is wrong 
(in older versions of Minivend the requirement for products.asc was 
apparently hard-coded, perhaps some of the error message text was as well).

So I would verify those things as a starting point.

- Ed L.

- Ed L.