[ic] Filling perl hashes with [query] and searching the hash for product display restriction

Annie Flippo aflippo@lunamedium.com
Thu, 22 Feb 2001 16:46:00 -0800

I'm running this example but my version is
 [perl tables=product_cat interpolate=1]
    my $db = $Db{product_cat};
   @set = $db->query("SELECT model_id, model_name FROM product_cat order by
    $retstr = "";
    foreach $row (@$set)

        ($model_id, $model_name) = @$row;
        $retstr = $retstr . "model id: $model_id  -- model_name: $model_name

\n"; } return "$retstr"; [/perl] But I get this error message in my error.log file. 6ssmWYaM: - [22/February/2001:16:22:44 -0800] mystore/cgi-bin/mystore/test.html Safe: Can't call method "query" on an undefined value at (eval 317) line 6. My store is set up on Redhat 6.2 with MySQL Any idea what I'm not doing right? Did I forget to configure something? Any suggestions are appreciated. Thanks. Annie Flippo aflippo@lunamedium.com >-----Original Message----- >Sent: Thursday, January 25, 2001 12:51 PM > >Here is how I'm trying to do it in Perl (please don't laugh). > > [perl tables=coverage] > my $db = $Db{coverage}; > @set = $db->query('select hcpcs,copay from coverage WHERE >carrier_idr = 11001'); > $Scratch->{covered_hcpcs} = \@set; > > $db = $Db{products}; > #loop through all of $Scratch->{covered_hcpcs} >here somehow, setting $i to hcpcs value. > @set = $db->query('select sku from >products WHERE hcpcs = $Scratch->{covered_hcpcs->{$i}}'); > #end loop. > $Scratch->{covered_skus} = \@set; > return; > [/perl] > Not to bad... Here's some more: [perl tables=coverage interpolate=1] my $db = $Db{coverage}; $set = $db->query("SELECT hcpcs, copay FROM coverage WHERE carrier_idr = '[scratch cust_carrier_idr]"); $Scratch->{covered_hcpcs} = $set; $Scratch->{covered_products} = []; $db = $Db{products}; foreach $row (@$set) { ($hcpcs, $copay) = @$row; $prod_set = $db->query("SELECT sku FROM products WHERE hcpcs = '$hcpcs'"); foreach $prod_row (@$prod_set) { ($sku) = @$prod_row; push(@{ $Scratch->{covered_products} }, $sku); } } # $Scratch->{covered_products} should now be an array # of product sku's that are covered. return; [/perl] -- Jeff Carnahan - jcarnahan@networq.com