[ic] Localization challenge with [LC] and [loci].

John Matecsa matecsaj@rdsdata.com
Thu, 4 Jan 2001 23:53:48 -0500

Hi to all! 
I'm using Interchange 4.6.1 and a slightly customized "Construction Demo".

I changed the following in catalog.cfg:
#Locale          en_US LC_CTYPE C
Locale          fr_FR LC_CTYPE C

When I embed the following in the aboutus.html page:
This is the LC default text.
[fr_FR] Text for the LC fr_FR locale. [/fr_FR]
This is the loci default text.
[fr_FR] Text for the loci fr_FR locale. [/fr_FR]

I get the following:
This is the LC default text. 
[loci] This is the loci default text. [fr_FR] Text for the loci fr_FR
locale. [/fr_FR] [/loci] 

The months are presented in French as expected but the lines in between
are... not as expected. Any suggestions?

John Matecsa