[ic] problems with selected and simple form

Doug Alcorn doug@lathi.net
08 Jan 2001 10:55:27 -0500

RH Linux 6.0ish, IC 4.6.0, MySQL 3.23.27, barry template

I have a very small form with one select box.  The idea is to give the
user an option to set a scratch variable from one of two choices.
Here's the code:

<form action="[area pictures]" method="post">
<select name="browse_date" >
        <option value="date" [selected browse_date date]>taken</option>
        <option value="entered_date" [selected browse_date entered_date]>entered</option></select>
<input type="submit" value="Go">
[seti new_date_field][value-extended browse_date][/seti]
<!-- new_date_field [scratch new_date_field] -->
[if ! scratch date_field][seti date_field][scratch new_date_field][/seti]
[elsif scratch new_date_field]
        [seti date_field][scratch new_date_field][/seti][/elsif]
[if ! scratch date_field][set date_field]date[/set][/if]
<!-- date_field [scratch date_field] -->

This code is in my leftside template area.  What happends is basically
nothing.  What comes out is:

<!-- new_date_field 'entered_date' -->
<!-- date_field 'entered_date' -->

However, the selection box still shows 'taken'.  Does the action of
the form need to be something other than just another IC page?
 (__) Doug Alcorn (mailto:doug@lathi.net http://www.lathi.net)
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