[ic] 2nd Product Table? (Or Not)

J. Ross Dishner ross@designcc.com
Wed, 10 Jan 2001 04:45:34 -0600


I have a current client with two distinct needs which need to be 
accomplished. One is the use of Interchange to facilitate the serving 
of Informaion about a catagory of products. The other is the use of 
Interchange to facilitate the serving of traditional E-Commerce 
needs. In light of these needs what would the heavies of the list 
suggest as a way to keep the information served to the visitor for 
these two distinct product types seperate.

The differences include such varying items as one features an image 
but does not allow for the sale of the product and only provides the 
user with information about the product, the other is without an 
image and allows for purchase by credit card, check etc. Please note 
that approximate number of each is at around 65 for the first 
catagory and roughly 2500 for the second so replacing one catagory 
with static pages is not an option.

Please point me in a direction that will best suit my needs.

