[ic] Please Help: Strange problem

Stefan Hornburg Racke interchange-users@lists.akopia.com
Sun Jun 10 07:32:01 2001

"Guy Soudant" <soudant@home.nl> writes:

> Hi,
> I am currently testing my Interchange 4.7.2 install, and I seem to run into
> a strange problem. When I check the pre-installed orders (those that come
> with the demo) in the admin UI, I can see all the data (i.e. all items in
> the orders), but when I check my own test orders in both the customer (order
> tracking) as well as the admin UI (order viewing), I do not see the items
> ordered by the customer (all other info is present, except for shipping
> costs, but that is not yet properly set up). IC does not add the orders to
> orderline (I have checked this with the MySQL admin client). It seems that
> IC does not write the data into the SQL table orderline, but I have no clue
> why and what I can do about it. Can someone please help???? I reaaly need
> some help to get this up and running! Below you can find some details.

Look into the catalog error log for failure messages and check the
MySQL logs for inserts into orderline. Check if these inserts
are correct (e.g. by testing them manually with the mysql client).


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