[ic] Integrating a South African Payment Gateway through globalsub - Problem

Paul Du Bois interchange-users@lists.akopia.com
Fri Jun 22 06:04:01 2001

Hi List

I'm working kind of in the dark over here in South Africa, and was hoping
you guys could give me a hand.  My setup is as follows:
OpenBSD 2.8 - standard perl, Apache, MySQL etc
Interchange::Bundle up to date
Interchange running fine

Now I've got to integrate a SA payment gateway - iVeri - and I want to do
this through a globalsub

I found a iTransact module that a guy put on the mail archive, using LWP to
submit to the gateway, receive back, and then continue to receipt page.  I
hacked this with my own parameters and replaced urls, defined a few
Variables for the catalog.cfg.  Here's the globalsub I ended up with:

GlobalSub <<EOS
sub iVeri {

  my %actual = Vend::Order::map_actual();

  $actual{mv_credit_card_exp_month} =~ s/\D//g;

#I believe Iveri needs "07" style month
#$actual{mv_credit_card_exp_month} =~ s/^0+//;

  $actual{mv_credit_card_exp_year} =~ s/\D//g;

#I also think this will cause problems
#  my $exp_year = $actual{mv_credit_card_exp_year};
#  $exp_year += 2000 unless $exp_year =~ /\d{4}/;

  $actual{mv_credit_card_number} =~ s/\D//g;

  my $address = $actual{b_address1};
  my $address .= ", $actual{b_address2}" if $actual{b_address2};

  ::logDebug("address: $address\n actual-address: " . $actual{address});

#make a custom orderid
my($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = gmtime(time());
my $orderID = sprintf("%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d%05d%s", $year + 1900,$mon +

  #put total amount in cents
my $totalamount = Vend::Interpolate::total_cost()*100.0;

#put sub total in cents
my $subtotal = Vend::Interpolate::sub_total()*100.0;

#put shipping into cents
my $shipping = Vend::Interpolate::shipping()*100.0;

#put salestax into cents
my $salestax = Vend::Interpolate::salestax()*100.0;

  my %values = (
    Direct_On_Error_Resume_Next => "True"
                        Direct_Website_Successful_url =>
                        Direct_Website_Fail_url =>
                        Direct_Website_TryLater_url =>
                        Direct_Website_Error_url =>
                        Direct_Merchant_ApplicationID =>
                        Direct_AutoInvoice_Ext => "INV",
                        Ecom_TransactionComplete => "False",
                        Direct_Order_LineItems_Product_3 => "Shipping
                        Direct_Order_LineItems_Quantity_3 => "1",
                        Direct_Order_LineItems_Amount_3 => $shipping,
                        Direct_Order_LineItems_Product_1 => "Order
                        Direct_Order_LineItems_Quantity_1 => "1",
                        Direct_Order_LineItems_Amount_1 => $subtotal,
                        Direct_Order_LineItems_Product_2 => "Sales Tax
                        Direct_Order_LineItems_Quantity_2 => "1",
                        Direct_Order_LineItems_Amount_2 => $salestax,
                        Ecom_ConsumerOrderID => $orderid,
                        Direct_Order_Amount => $totalamount,
                        Ecom_BillTo_Online_Email => $actual{email},
                        Ecom_Payment_Card_Number =>
                        Ecom_Payment_Card_ExpDate_Month =>
                        Ecom_Payment_Card_ExpDate_Year =>
                        Ecom_Payment_Card_StartDate_Year => "1999",
                        Ecom_Payment_Card_StartDate_Month => "07",
                        Ecom_Payment_Card_Protocols => "Iveri"

  my $submit_url = "https://www.iveri.co.za/Direct/Authorise.asp";
  use LWP::UserAgent;
  use HTTP::Request::Common qw(POST);

  my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new();
  my $req = POST $submit_url, \%values;

  my $resp = $ua->request($req);
  my %result;

  ## check for errors
  my $error;
  unless ($resp->as_string() =~ m/Location: success/) {
 my $content = $resp->content();
 if ($content =~ m/BEGIN ERROR DESCRIPTION --\>(.*)\<\!-- END ERROR
   $error = $1;
   $error =~ s/\<.*?\>//g;
   $error =~ s/[^-A-Za-z_0-9 ]//g;
 } else {
   ## something very bad happened
   $error = "something bad happened--we don't know what is is.";

 ::logError("iVeri Error: " . $error);
 $result{MStatus} = 'denied';
 $result{ErrMsg} = $error;

 return %result;

  ## at this point, we assume everything worked just fine
  $result{MStatus} = 'success';
  $result{'order-id'} = "1";

  return %result;

I've added the #include globalsubs/iVeri to interchange.cfg, and here are
some excerpts from my catalog.cfg :

### These reflect the initial settings set above;
### if you uncomment them they will override it.
#Variable    SERVER_NAME     test.assetsco.co.za
#Variable    CGI_URL         /cgi-bin/assetsco
#Variable    SECURE_SERVER   http://test.assetsco.co.za
#Variable    ORDERS_TO       market
#Variable    IMAGE_DIR       /images
#Variable    DOCROOT         /var/www/websites/assetsco/htdocs
#Variable    SAMPLEHTML      /var/www/websites/assetsco/htdocs
#Variable    SAMPLEURL       http://test.assetsco.co.za/
#Variable    COMPANY         The Assets Holding Co.
#Variable    ENCRYPTOR       none
#Variable    SOMESQL         1
#Variable    MYSQL           1
#Variable    PGSQL
#Variable    ORACLE
#Variable    SQLDSN          dbi:mysql:assetsco
#Variable    SQLDB           assetsco
#Variable    SQLUSER         market
#Variable    SQLPASS         saidar

Variable     MV_IV_BACK_URL
Variable     MV_IV_MERCHANTID   ***********************************
#i've blocked this for mail list security reasons


Variable  MV_PAYMENT_MODE   custom iVeri

# Uncomment to use creditCardAuto if you want, now handled better in
# order profiles with "&credit_card=standard".
#CreditCardAuto      Yes

# These are usually all you need for CyberCash 3
# Uncomment and edit to suit; make sure you remove CreditCardAuto somehow
#Variable         CYBER_CONFIGFILE
#Variable         CYBER_VERSION       3.2
#Variable         CYBER_MODE          mauthonly

#Variable         MV_PAYMENT_MODE     mauthonly
CreditCardAuto   No

EncryptProgram   __ENCRYPTOR__

# Here you can set up fatal errors if a necessary sub or usertag
# doesn't exist, uncomment one of next lines to test
#Require globalsub   nevairbe
#Require usertag   nevairbe

Require usertag   email
Require usertag   email_raw
Require usertag   var
Require usertag   loc
Require usertag   summary
Require usertag   button

As far as I can figure, this side is OK.  However upon restart I get an
error message of :

Sending debug to /tmp/icdebug.
Low traffic settings.
Calling UI....
...UI is loaded....
Bad GlobalSub 'iVeri'
In line 107 of the configuration file 'globalsubs/iVeri':
GlobalSub <<EOS

Bad GlobalSub 'iVeri'
In line 107 of the configuration file 'globalsubs/iVeri':
GlobalSub <<EOS

Line 107 is the EOS at the end of my globalsub.  I've checked the syntax,
the permissions are all set to market (the ic user), and I'm convinced the
error has nothing to do with the actual contents of the sub - it seems
there's a general problem with how I've tried to incorporate the globalsub.
The userdocs are really unhelpful, it would be nice if there was a gentle
kind of demo of the full process of writing a globalsub.
Anyhow, sorry to moan, but I really could use some guidance here,  I need to
get this thing working asap.  Any help would be most welcome, especially if
you consider the globalsub could maybe be added to the ic distribution to
help future hapless SA users like me.

Thanks in advance, and Mike and the Akopia guys keep the great IC work up.


Paul Du Bois
East Coast Access
Durban, South Africa