[ic] session database

Corey Gilmore interchange-users@lists.akopia.com
Fri Jun 29 15:21:01 2001

It might, I just can't find the information I need about scratch

The items I have are conferences.  I added a confernence table to my
database which is attached to a product.  conferences have their own
flypages.  the conference flypage has a sidebar where you can click on a
topic, and the page reloads, and based on the item clicked, loads the
relevant content.  That is, if I have the following links in the sidebar

About this Conference
Conference Presenters

and I click Locations, (currently) mv_arg is set to a variable, and
content is loaded based on that variable.

My concern with setting a scratch variable has to do with the life of the
variable.  If I set cur_page to Locations, and the user views the
locations, and then goes to another area of the site, and returns to the
conference page, will cur_page still be set?


On Wed, 27 Jun 2001, Jeff Carnahan wrote:

> } if i wanted to add another variable to the session database, how would i
> } go about it?
> }
> } what i want to do is add another argument (to help track state in another
> } location).  i am already using mv_arg to track state on the main portion
> } of my page, and if i did [area href='...' arg='arg1=asf/arg2=aasdf'] it
> } would break all of my existing code.
> }
> And setting a scratch variable to keep track of state doesn't work?
> ie:
> [set name="my_flag"]1[/set]
> See scratch variables at:
> http://interchange.redhat.com/cgi-bin/ic/dev/ictemplates_7.html
> --
> Jeff Carnahan - jcarnahan@networq.com
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