[ic] [if scratch...]

Mathew Jones mat@booksellersolutions.com
Wed, 28 Feb 2001 20:01:16 -0800


I am trying to compare scratch values in an if/elsif statement, and
tried the following code. I cannot get this to work. What I am trying do
to is get the results of a loop search to organize into two columns. The
first section is a loop to count the number of items in a list. if I
replace the '[scratch count1]' variable with a number, this works fine,
it just doesnt seem to recognise the [scratch] tag as part of the IF tag
evaluation. Can anybody help me out.

[seti count1][calc][scratch count1] + 1[/calc][/seti]
[seti count1][calc][scratch count1] / 2[/calc][/seti]
[seti count][/seti]
[loop ....]
[seti count][calc][scratch count]  + 1[/calc][/seti]
[if scratch count < [scratch count1]] [loop-code]<br>
[elsif scratch count == [scratch count1]] [loop-code]<br></td><td>
[/else] [loop-code]<br>[/else][/if]

