[ic] Where to put the PaymentGatewayAcces HOWTO use order-profiles <- MORE INFORMATION

Tobias Henle interchange-users@interchange.redhat.com
Thu Nov 1 03:36:01 2001

Stefan Hornburg Racke wrote:

> Tobias Henle <t.henle@thiesen.com> writes:
>>Hello List,
>>I have implemented the access to the German-Post Paymentgateway, but I 
>>have a problem now, where to put the call to the Tag so that i can stop 
>>the order process if something went wrong!
> IMHO you need to provide more information about your implementation.

I have written a GlobalTag to make it easy to access (it should be know 
problem to rewrite it as an GlobalSub, but i need to post some vars to 
it!!!) and post vars to it. It starts the Payment and returns an error 
if it was faulty.
Now i want to know where to start the Payment process and how!
becourse i neet to know that everything was right before and i must stop 
the order process if something went wrong.

I think it would be the best to put it in the profiles.order file so i 
can tell the User any error eg. "Your Credit Card has expired ..."
or should i put it in the Order Route?

BUT i do not know anything about Routes and much less about Profiles!

                       DISPLAY THE
                       and ERROR messages

+----------------+       ^
| profiles.order |-------|
+----------------+ ERROR
     OK |
+----------------+       ^
| paymentgateway |-------|
+----------------+ ERROR
     OK |
| send the emails   |
| & write the order |
| to the DB         |


mit freundlichen Grüßen

-Tobias Henle
                          _   _    _
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	mailto:t.henle@thiesen.com    http://www.thiesen.com