[ic] Low memory version

Jim Balcom interchange-users@interchange.redhat.com
Wed Oct 3 18:00:00 2001

On Wed, 3 Oct 2001, Webmaster of Infothai wrote:

What follows is totally untrusted information and can very easily be quite

I am assuming that you are running on Linux, or a similar Unix OS.

WoI>>It seems that, after running for some period of time with a modest order
WoI>>rate, the standard 4.6.5 system gradually requires an increasing amount
WoI>>of memory. Since only a limited amount of memory is available to me, this
WoI>>causes IC to grind to halt. I am now seeing "out of memory" messages in
WoI>>the ICDEBUG file and "Internal error" messages to users.
WoI>>So, I need to create or setup a version of IC that will run in the smallest
WoI>>amount of memory possible. So far, I have limited the number of products
WoI>>in each category and turned off UI. What other things can be done?
WoI>>Are there some periodic cleanup functions that will minimize memory
WoI>>consumption, such as flushing the transaction database? This seems likely,
WoI>>since the initial uses of the program/catalog ran without problems of any
WoI>>kind, but a quick look through the catalog subdirectories does not show
WoI>>any file that obviously large.

Those are files that are stored on the hard drive and don't have anything to
do with memory. However, if your system has quotas enabled, you may be
running out of disk space, which is not the same as running out of memory.

In fact, it's very difficult to run out of memory in Linux because when the
memory gets full, it swaps it out to the swap space on the hard drive.
However, if the computer does not have any swap space, or the swap space is
too small, then you are going to get significant problems.

The smaller amount of actual RAM, the bigger the swap space you need.

-= Jim =-

Jim's Linux-Operated Underground Bomb Shelter

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