[ic] Setting ProductField not working

Robert Trembath interchange-users@interchange.redhat.com
Sun Sep 23 14:06:01 2001

Hello Everyone,
	I just got to the point where I've started doing some custom pricing where
I would like the q2 field to be the what displays and is used by a Catalog
in IC4.7.7 but it does seems to work. Could someone please direct me to a
solution as the documented one isn't working.

Below is that part of my catalog.cfg file:

# Cart, order, and route settings.

ParseVariables  Yes

ValuesDefault   country      __SHIP_DEFAULT_COUNTRY__
ValuesDefault   mv_shipmode  __SHIP_DEFAULT_MODE__
DefaultShipping __SHIP_DEFAULT_MODE__

MailOrderTo     __ORDERS_TO__

AlwaysSecure    ord/checkout login change_password

## Set this if you have a different secure server
#AlwaysSecure   order ord/checkout ord/basket login change_password process

PriceField      q2
CommonAdjust    :sale_price, ;:price, ;$, ==:options

EncryptProgram  __ENCRYPTOR__

# This prevents a user from setting this value, you may want to unset
# this if you have user-selectable handling charges like insurance
FormIgnore   mv_handling
