[ic] Trying to make new Payment Module for Card Services perl wrapper.

Boyd Lynn Gerber interchange-users@interchange.redhat.com
Mon Apr 15 07:59:00 2002


How do I get interchange payment modules to find and load a perl module in
interchange_location/lib/LPERL/ lperl.pm .  What I am doing does not seem
to be working.  The test programs all work using lperl in the
interchange_location/lib/LPERL directory.

If I copy lperl.pm to my perl site_perl/5.6.1/ directory, interchange load
just fine, but when I try to place a CC order I get...

(linkpt): Charge failed, reason: payment routine 'linkpt' returned error:
Undefined subroutine &lperl::new called at
/linux/usr/local/interchange.new/lib/Vend/Payment/linkpt.pm line 324.


(linkpt): Charge failed, reason: payment routine 'linkpt' returned error:
Can't locate object method "new" via package "lperl" (perhaps you forgot
to load "lperl"?) at
/linux/usr/local/interchange.new/lib/Vend/Payment/linkpt.pm line 317.

The lperl.pm module can not be distributed in any form.

If I do not copy it to my perl site_perl/5.6.1 directory I get

Required Perl module Vend::Payment::linkpt not present. Aborting catalog.
In line 5 of the configuration file 'interchange.cfg':
Require module Vend::Payment::linkpt

So I know that when interchange starts and finds the lperl.pm module
interchange is able to start.  So now I need to some how make interchange
use the interchange_directory/lib/LPERL to do everything.  I missed
something going through the code and I am not sure exactly what.

Maybe one of you interchange and perl Guru's can quicly spot what I am
doing wrong.  Below is linkpt.pm that I put in the lib/Vend/Payment
directory.  This is a work in progress so please do not rely on it working
at this time.  When I finish this and passes all tests I will glady let
any one with interchange use it and if Red Hat wants to add it to their
Payment modules I think they will be able to use it.  Where I am requiring
people to purchase from Card Service the Perl Wrapper and I am not
distributing any part of it.

Thanks for any and all help.

Boyd Gerber <gerberb@zenez.com>
ZENEZ	3748 Valley Forge Road, Magna Utah  84044

# Vend::Payment::linkpt - Interchange linkpt Support
# $Id: linkpt.pm,v 2.0 2002/04/13 02:23:16 jon Exp $
# Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Red Hat, Inc. <interchange@redhat.com>
# LinkPoint CardService using the lperl that must be purchased
# From Card Server.
# by Boyd Gerber <gerberb@zenez.com> inspired and resused by
# based on code by Mike Heins <mheins@redhat.com>

# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
# License along with this program; if not, write to the Free
# Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
# MA  02111-1307  USA.

package Vend::Payment::linkpt;

=head1 Interchange linkpt Support

Vend::Payment::linkpt $Revision: 2.0 $




    [charge mode=linkpt param1=value1 param2=value2]



Purchase the perl wrapper from  Card Service.


The Vend::Payment::linkpt module implements the linkpt() routine
for use with Interchange. It is compatible on a call level with the other
Interchange payment modules.

To enable this module, place this directive in C<interchange.cfg>:

    Require module Vend::Payment::linkpt

This I<must> be in interchange.cfg or a file included from it.

Make sure CreditCardAuto is off (default in Interchange demos).

The mode can be named anything, but the C<gateway> parameter must be set
to C<linkpt>. To make it the default payment gateway for all credit
card transactions in a specific catalog, you can set in C<catalog.cfg>:

    Variable   MV_PAYMENT_MODE  linkpt

It uses several of the standard settings from Interchange payment. Any time
we speak of a setting, it is obtained either first from the tag/call options,
then from an Interchange order Route named for the mode, then finally a
default global payment variable, For example, the C<id> parameter would
be specified by:

    [charge mode=linkpt id=YourStoreName]


    Route linkpt id YourStoreName


    Variable MV_PAYMENT_ID      YourStoreName

The active settings are:

=over 4

=item id

Your Card Service store Name, supplied by Card Service when you sign up.
Global parameter is MV_PAYMENT_ID.

That should show what happened.

 Variable MV_PAYMENT_ID      YourStoreNymber
 # Use staging.linkpt.new for testing
 Variable MV_PAYMENT_SERVER  secure.linkpt.net

transactionresult needs to be set to GOOD for testing and LIVE for normal processing.

 3. Copy your Card Service Perl software to interchange/lib/LPERL.

 4. Copy your Digital certificate .pem file for LinkPoint API client:
    to YourStoreNumber.pem in the interchange/lib/LPERL directory.

 5. Create a temp directory in your interchange/lib/LPERL directory,
    mkdir temp

=item remap

This remaps the form variable names to the ones needed by linkpt. See
the C<Payment Settings> heading in the Interchange documentation for use.


=head2 Troubleshooting

Try the instructions above, then enable test mode. A test order should complete.

Then move to live mode and try a sale with the card number C<4111 1111 1111 1111
and a valid expiration date. The sale should be denied, and the reason should
be in [data session payment_error].

If nothing works:

=over 4

=item *

Make sure you "Require"d the module in interchange.cfg:

    Require module Vend::Payment::linkpt

=item *

Make sure you have installed your perl wrapper in the your interchange
directory in lib/LPERL.  Make sure it is working with the tests provided.
You can test to see whether your Perl can access lbin and lperl.  The commands

Edit these programs to reflect your store name and cert and then run perl filename.


If either one prints "It works." and returns to the prompt you should be OK
(presuming they are in working order otherwise).

=item *

Check the error logs, both catalog and global.

=item *

Make sure you set your account ID properly.

=item *

Try an order, then put this code in a page:

        my $string = $Tag->uneval( { ref => $Session->{payment_result} });
        $string =~ s/{/{\n/;
        $string =~ s/,/,\n/g;
        return $string;

That should show what happened.

=item *

If all else fails, Red Hat and other consultants are available to help
with integration for a fee.


=head1 BUGS

There is actually nothing *in* Vend::Payment::linkpt. It changes packages
to Vend::Payment and places things there.

=head1 AUTHORS

Boyd Gerber <gerberb@zenez.com>, based on original code by
Mike Heins <mheins@redhat.com> and other from the Payment directory.


        my $selected;
        package Vend::Payment;
        eval {

                package LPERL::lperl;
                require lperl;
                import lperl qw($REVISION $VERSION @ISA @EXPORT);
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT = qw(&process &new &add_item &add_option @Items);
                $selected = "lperl";
	$Vend::Payment::Have_LPERL_lperl = 1 unless $@;
        unless ($Vend::Payment::Have_LPERL_lperl) {
                die __PACKAGE__ . " requires lperl";

	::logGlobal("%s payment module initialized, using %s", __PACKAGE__, $selected)
		unless $Vend::Quiet;


package Vend::Payment;
sub linkpt {
use lperl;
#::logDebug("linkpt called");

    my $exe;

        my @try = split /:/, $ENV{PATH};
        unshift @try,

        my $stdin;
        for(@try) {
                if(-f "$_/lib/LPERL/lbin" and -x _) {
                        $exe = "$_/lib/LPERL/lbin";
                        $stdin = 1;
                next unless -f "$_/lib/LPERL/lbin" and -x _;
                $exe = "$_/lib/LPERL/lbin";

    if(! $exe ) {
                return (
                        MStatus => 'failure-hard',
                        MErrMsg => errmsg('lbin executable not found.'),

        # set loadable module path so not needed in /usr/lib
        @try = split /:/, (charge_param('library_path') || $ENV{LD_LIBRARY_PATH}
        unshift @try,
        $ENV{LD_LIBRARY_PATH} = join ':', @try;

        # set certificat path for modern lbin
        $ENV{LINKPT_CERT_PATH} ||= charge_param('cert_path');
        if(! -d $ENV{LINKPT_CERT_PATH} ) {
                @try = (
                for(@try) {
                        next unless  -d "$_/certs";
                        $ENV{LINKPT_CERT_PATH} = "$_/certs";

        my %actual;
        if($opt->{actual}) {
                %actual = %{$opt->{actual}};
        else {
                %actual = map_actual();

    if(! $user  ) {
        $user    =  charge_param('id')
                                                or return (
                                                        MStatus => 'failure-hard
                                                        MErrMsg => errmsg('No ac
count id'),
#::logDebug("linkpt user $user");

        my $server;
        my $port;
        if(! $opt->{host} and charge_param('test')) {
                $server = 'staging.linkpt.net';
                $port   = 1139;
        else {
                # We won't read from MV_PAYMENT_SERVER because that would rarely
                # be right and might often be wrong
# this is normally secure.linkpt.net
                $server  =   $opt->{host}  || 'staging.linkpt.net';
                $port    =   $opt->{port}  || '1139';

    my $exe  =  "$Global::VendRoot/lib/LPERL/lbin";

#my $lperl = new lperl("my$exe", "FILE", "/linux/usr/lib/interchange/lib/LPERL/temp/");
# use this just to make sure this is not where it is failing.
my $lperl = new lperl("/linux/usr/lib/interchange/lib/LPERL/lbin", "FILE", "/linux/usr/lib/interchange/lib/LPERL/temp/");

#::logDebug("linkpt srcipt $script");

#    my $server  =   $::Variable->{MV_PAYMENT_SERVER} ||
#                    $::Variable->{CYBER_SERVER} ||
#                    'staging.linkpt.net';
#                    'secure.linkpt.net';

   my $hostname = "$server";

#::logDebug("linkpt server $hostname");

#my $port             =  "$::Variable->{MV_PAYMENT_PORT}" ||
#                        "$::Variable->{CYBER_PORT}" ||
#                        "1139";

#::logDebug("linkpt port $port");

   if(! $storename  ) {
        $storename   =  "$::Variable->{MV_PAYMENT_ID}" ||
                    or return undef;
# use this just to make sure this is not where it is faling.

my $storename="800153";
#::logDebug("linkpt store $storename");

#my $keyfile  = "$Global::VendRoot/lib/LPERL/800153.pem";
# use this just to make sure this is not where it is faling.

my $keyfile            = "/linux/usr/lib/interchange/lib/LPERL/800153.pem";

# Change to LIVE for normal processing
# use this just to make sure this is not where it is faling.

my $transactionresult  = "GOOD";
my $testip             = "";

my %actual = Vend::Order::map_actual();
my $transaction_hash = {
                        hostname        => $hostname,
                        port            => $port,
                        storename       => $storename,
                        keyfile         => $keyfile,
                        # if this param is empty or missing
                        # a CSI order number will be assigned
                        orderID         => "",
                        amount          => Vend::Interpolate::total_cost(),
                        result          => $transactionresult,
                        cardNumber      => $actual{mv_credit_card_number},
                        cardExpMonth    => $actual{mv_credit_card_exp_month},
                        cardExpYear     => $actual{mv_credit_card_exp_year},
                        name            => "$actual{fname} $actual{lname}",
                        email           => $actual{email},
                        phone           => $actual{phone_day},
                        address         => $actual{address},
                        city            => $actual{city},
                        state           => $actual{state},
                        zip             => $actual{zip},
                        country         => $actual{country},
                        ip              => $testip,

my %ret = $lperl->CapturePayment($transaction_hash);
# ---------------------------------------------
# capture the order ID so we can bill the order
# ---------------------------------------------

my $neworderID = $ret{'neworderID'};
my %result;

#::logDebug("linkpt CapturePayment: statusCode $statusCode");

if ( $ret{'statusCode'} eq 0 ) {

    # the transaction failed.  print the reason.
     $result{MStatus} = 'failure';
     $result{MErrMsg} = "$ret{'statusMessage'} ";
#::logDebug("linkpt failure:");
#::logDebug("linkpt CapturePayment: statusMessage $statusCode");
#::logDebug("linkpt ChargeTotal: $actual{'total-cost'}");
#::logDebug(qq{linkpt decline=$statusCode result: } . ::uneval( \%result));

    # the transaction succeeded.  print the results.
#::logDebug("linkpt CapturePayment: statusMessage:'AVSCode'");

# ------------------
# now bill the order
# ------------------

     $transaction_hash = {
            hostname        => $hostname,
            port            => $port,
            storename       => $storename,
            keyfile         => $keyfile,
            result          => $transactionresult,
            orders          => ([
                          # multiple entries could be used for more orders
              {orderID      => $neworderID,
               amount       => $actual{'total-cost'},
               backOrdered  => '0',

%ret = $lperl->BillOrders($transaction_hash);

#::logDebug("linkpt Successfully billed $ret of 1 order\n");
#::logDebug("Order statusMessage: $transaction_hash->{'orders'}[0]->{'statusMessage'}\n";
$result{MStatus} = 'success';
$result{'order-id'} = $neworderID;

return %result;

package Vend::Payment::linkpt;
