[ic] Possible to Create files?

Interchange User interchange-users@icdevgroup.org
Thu Aug 1 16:30:01 2002

On Thursday 01 August 2002 05:55, you wrote:
> > I understand that Perl uses the Safe mode when it comes to
> > writing files.  I would like to know whether it's possible for me
> > to create my own tmp/text files from the IC programs.  If really
> > can not, what about using "export" to export out the relevant
> > values from the database into a flat file?  Can both be done at
> > all?  If so, would greatly appreciate any guidance/pointers!
> Have a look at the [log] tag:
> http://www.icdevgroup.org/cgi-bin/ic/docfly.html?mv_arg=ictags04%2e
> This will allow you to write lines out to a file. Other than this,
> you may find writing a global usertag, which will bypass safe, will
> better serve your needs.

Thanks for your suggestion!  :)  However, I find that using the "log" 
tag will append the results to the file.  I need to re-create the 
file instead (ie, not append).  In perl, what we usually will do is 
to use ">file", however, when I tried this (refer to code below), it 
doesn't work  --only the last line remains in the file, those lines 
above it are lost.  How can I achieve that?

This is what I tried:

[tmp my_mailinglist]
[query st=db sql="select * from userdb  WHERE  newsletter = 'yes'" 
[sql-data userdb email][/query]

[scratch my_mailinglist]

[log file=">mailinglist" interpolate=1 hide=1][scratch 

Do I really need to use global usertag?  I tried to do that using 
[perl] for testing first (so I do not need to restart IC whenever I 
make mistakes in catalog.cfg).  But my following code (taken from the 
archives) didn't work either:

[perl tables="userdb"]
   my $return = "";
   my $sql = "select * from userdb  WHERE  newsletter = 'yes'";

   my ($results,$colname_hashref,$colname_arrayref) = $Tag->query({ 
wantarray => 1,sql => $sql, } );

   my @results = @{$results};
   foreach my $ref (@results) {
      my @tmp = @{$ref}; #dereference each arrayref
      foreach my $test (@tmp) { #@temp now holds actual 
(dereferenced) results
         $return .= "$test\n";

   return "return";

Any ideas?