[ic] Insert Permision?

Andrew Metcalfe interchange-users@icdevgroup.org
Thu Aug 15 13:05:01 2002

Forgive me, I'm a newbie.

I've figured out how to add a new table, I've even gotten interchange to
recognize the table.  I'm now trying to insert data into the table, here's a
code snippit:

<INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME="mv_doit"            VALUE="return">
<INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME="mv_data_table"      VALUE="company_info">
<INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME="mv_data_key"        VALUE="username">
<INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME="mv_data_function"   VALUE="update">
<INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME="mv_nextpage"        VALUE="signup_step4">
<INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME="username"           VALUE="[value username]">
<INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME="mv_data_fields"   VALUE="yada, yada, yada,

<input type=text name=yada>
...repeated adnauseam

<INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME="mv_todo" VALUE="set">
<INPUT TYPE=submit VALUE="Update table">

The insert is failing, and I'm finding this in my log:
adsl-XX-XX-XX-XX.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net XXXXXX:ameritech.net -
[15/August/2002:11:49:22 -0500] hwmpro /cgi-bin/hwmpro/process.html
Attempted database update without permission, table=company_info key=.

Is this a mysql permission problem or an interchange one?  Why does it seem
to not know the PK?

