[ic] adding a "continue shopping" button to cart

Interchange user interchange-users@icdevgroup.org
Thu Aug 15 17:22:01 2002

Open pages/ord/basket.html, and look for the following code:


Then add this line before the closing [/control-set] tag:


On Tuesday 13 August 2002 11:16 pm, you wrote:
> I'm trying to modify the templates/components/cart page and wanted to add a
> continue shopping button on the page.  After looking at the existing page
> that came with the demo I see
> [if type=explicit compare="[control continue_shopping]"]
>            [button
>   text="Continue shopping"
>        src="continue_shopping.gif"
>   hidetext=1
>   form=basket
>        ]
>           [bounce page=index]
>           mv_nextpage=nothing
>            [/button]
>      [/if]
> But there is not "continue shopping button displayed on the cart page.
> Anyone know how to have this feature activated so there is a "continue
> shopping" button displayed on the cart page or should I just add a button
> that leads to the index page?
> Steve =)
> airdelights.com