[ic] Errors in updating [userdb] fields

Krishna interchange-users@icdevgroup.org
Wed Dec 4 08:09:01 2002

Hi list,

I am updating only email, mail receipt, shipping method and
Subscriptions. Through following code. When I am trying to submit the
page I got error

" error saving values in userdb: DBD::Pg::st execute failed: ERROR:
Unterminated quoted string at
/usr/local/interchange/lib/Vend/Table/DBI.pm line 981.  "

[if session failure]
	<B>[calc] delete $Session->{failure}[/calc]</b>
[userdb function=get_shipping_names]
<INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=mv_session_id VALUE="[data session id]">
<INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=mv_order_profile VALUE=account_change>
<INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=mv_todo     VALUE=return>
<INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=mv_nextpage VALUE=@@MV_PAGE@@>
<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=mv_check    VALUE="Save_database">

		[set Save_database]
		[userdb save]

<input type="text" name="email" size="50" value="[value email]"
email copy:
    <SELECT NAME=email_copy>
      <OPTION VALUE="1">Yes
      <OPTION [selected name=email_copy value=0] VALUE="0">No
ship mode:    
<SELECT NAME=mv_shipmode>
[loop option=mv_shipmode list=|[data table=country key='[default country
US]' col=shipmodes]|
<OPTION VALUE="[loop-code]"> [shipping-desc [loop-code]]
mail subscription:
    [display table=userdb type=multiple column=mail_list key="[data
session username]"]

Could you please tell me why I am getting this error instead of saving
these values into the userdb. One strange thing I observed is if select
one value from mailing list then it is saving into userdb without error
if select multiple values from the list then I am getting this error
without saving these values in userdb. Could any please copy this code
and test it for login user. Please note that I want only those fields to
be updated for already registered users.

Thanks in advance,
